My dear People,

The longed-for sunny weather has come at last after a very wet June and July and a fortnight of August. One hopes it will remain warm and sunny until the hops are all gathered. Wet weather suits the garden weeds, which flourish, whilst vegetables and fruit cry out for more sunlight.

My wife and I had a delightful time in Scotland, although the weather was what some call "patchy."

The Day School has broken up for the annual holidays given in the hop-picking season. Ten of our scholars have left, and I fear nothing like ten more infants are available to take the vacant seats. Our numbers slowly decline.

All old friends will be pleased to hear that Colonel Locke is steadily progressing in health. Captain and Mrs. Marks are resuming residence at Roseneath on Sept. 15th. Mrs. Milgate's son has had to enter hospital, and we hope he will make a good recovery.

Your sincerely,



Aug. 16th - Donald William Sydney, son of Sydney Charles and Dorothy Elizabeth Bowles.


The members gathered for the Summer Meeting in Church on Thursday, Aug. 27th, when a goodly party were present and the Vicar gave the address.

All then adjourned to the Vicarage garden. A short business meeting took place presided over by Mrs. C. G. Mutter, the Enrolling Member.

Plans for the winter programme were discussed. Mrs. Woodcock then gave an account of her visit to the Diamond Jubilee Pageant of the Union held in the Albert Hall, London. This pageant was so successful and so many were unable to gain admittance that it is to be repeated in November. Will it be possible to have a Hartlip party them to go to London? A specially cheap railway excursion running to South Kensington Station can be arranged. Members wishing to go should communicate with Mrs. W. Kitchingham, the Hon. Sec., as soon as possible so that booking of seats can be made.

After the Meeting tea was provided on the lawn, and then followed amusing competitions. Prizes were won by Mrs. W. Harris and Mrs. Bowles. The garden was inspected and admired, and the Vicar gave all the members a "button-hole" to take away. In thanking the Vicar and Mrs. Mutter all said what an enjoyable afternoon they had spent.


St. Michael's Day falls on Tuesday, Sept 29th. Those who love this village Church we hope will endeavour to be present at one or more services that day. Holy Communion will be celebrated at 6 a.m. and at 10 a.m. Children's Service at 9 a.m. Evening Service at 7.30 p.m. The Rev. W. C. B. Purser, the Vicar of Teynham, will be the preacher.

Sunday, Oct. 4th, will he kept as our Harvest Festival. Holy Communion will be celebrated 7, 8, and following Matins at 11 a.m.

Children's Service with offering of eggs at 3 p.m.

Evensong at 6.30 p.m., when the Rev. O. May, Vicar of Bredgar, will be the preacher.

Gifts for the Festival will be welcomed. All our offerings on this occasion will be given to St. Bartholomew's Hospital at Rochester.