Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
November 1936 : page 2 (of 2)
My dear People,-
There is little to record in the way of Church matters this month, but I'm sure I should be voicing the opinion of you all in thanking most sincerely Miss G. Locke for her beautiful gift to the Church of the picture which is placed on the South wall in line with the two others previously given by members of her family. It was hung in time for the Harvest Festival. It is a copy of a famous Madonna and child copied by an artist - Professor Tasso - from the original which hangs in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. It is in a beautiful gilt Florentine frame.
The smallest of the four pictures in the Church is a copy of the most famous picture in the world, the Sistine Madonna, by Raphael, which is kept in a special room in the Dresden Art Gallery.
The other picture is also a copy of a Raphael known as the Medallion Madonna, and is one of the sweetest pictures ever painted.
Over the Altar in the Lady Chapel is a picture of the Head of Christ named Ecce Homo ("Behold the Man"). I believe it is one of Guido Reni's. He painted several of these subjects; the best known one is in the National Gallery in London.
If we cannot see the originals the next best thing is to see good copies. In Hartlip we are very privileged to possess such pictures. To properly appreciate Art one must learn wherein the skill of all artist lies, one must understand the beauty of design, of drawing, of colour and of subject matter. So a person who has studied great pictures finds an uplift and joy in contemplating the work of the great Masters.
Mrs. R. Robinson has undergone a severe operation in St. Bartholomew's Hospital and is doing as well as can be expected. I hope she may have a good recovery and enjoy a fuller measure of health in the future.
The Sale by the Gardeners' Association on be-
half of St. Bartholomew's and other Hospitals realised the sum of £16/5/6.
The Churchyard Committee, by their house-to-house collection, were able to hand to the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. W. Luck, £6/12/0. Sincere thanks to all who contributed.
Your sincerely,
Oct. 31st - Albert Edward Wellard to Mildred Ethel Harris.
The Girls' Friendly Society have begun the winter meetings in the Schoolroom, and a good number turned up at the first meeting. They are going to dress dolls again for poor children of London.
The first of our regular monthly meetings took place in October, when Mrs. Lister, the Diocesan Secretary, came and spoke on the Albert Hall Pageant. Sixteen are going on the 4th instant and nothing could have been better than hearing of what would he presented there. As the scenes are enacted we shall the better understand their meaning. A thousand people take part in the performance, and as all seats are booked the audience will consist of many thousands more.
The train times were printed in last month's magazine.
The weekly meetings have started again and on October 27th thirty-two of the members went for charabanc outing for the afternoon at Sevenoaks.