Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
July 1936 : page 2 (of 2)
The Choir, nine men and twelve boys, went to Canterbury Cathedral to take part in this great act of praise on July l0th. It was the forty-fourth Festival held there. It was an impressive sight to see the vast choir of Canterbury crowded to the altar steps with robed singers over a thousand in number, and drawn from no fewer than forty-three parishes in the Diocese. Professionals from fashionable town churches stood side by side with the less skilled - but we hope equally painstaking - choristers from remote villages, and each had something to learn from the others. It ought to provide an incentive to regular practices - the only way to do justice to good music.
The Anthems sung were "O come, ye servants of the Lord" (Dr. Tye), "O praise the Lord with one consent" (Handel) and "King of Glory" (Warrell).
The Evensong ended with a solemn procession. The Dean with Canons Bickersteth and Crum were the officiants, vested in Festal Copes of the Cathedral. Mr. C. H. Drake, the Secretary, is to be congratulated on the splendid way the Festival was organised and carried through, Minor Canon Banks conducted, and Dr. Palmer was at the Organ. The tune used for the hymn, "O Strength and Stay," was composed by the Rev. P. Banks, the Precentor, and is a tune which will probably often he used again. An orchestra was employed to augment the organ and was placed on the great stone screen at the entrance to the Choir. We hope our Choir will repeat some of the music here in Hartlip.
The members were photographed before the Festival, and so will have a picture to remind them of a happy experience.
Two charabancs filled with a happy party of grown-ups and children left the Lych Gate soon after 7 a.m. for a day at Margate on June 24th. The weather was perfect, and all had a most happy time on the beach and seeing the wonders
of Dreamland Park. Tea was served at the Dreamland Cafe, and full justice was done to the liberal spread provided. The road taken going and coming was the new Coast road, via Whitstable and Herne Bay. Hartlip was reached soon after 9 p.m., and a tired but jolly "Goodnight" was said as all dispersed to their homes.
Will those who contributed to the expense of the children's treat please accept warmest thanks for their generosity.
There will be no Children's Services on Sundays, July 10th and 26th and August 2nd and 9th.
A successful Sale of Work and Jumble Sale was held in the Parish Hall on Saturday, June 6th. Mrs. Noble and members of the Womens' Fellowship had a stall for the sale of useful articles made by the members. Mesdames Kitchingham and Twort ran the G.F.S. Stalls whilst Mesdames Mutter, Luck, Boyall, Bayley, and the Misses Donaldson, Faussett-Osborne, and McKinnon ran the Jumble Stalls. Mrs. Day and helpers ran the tea and refreshment part.
After deducting the cost of materials for the Fellowship and G.F.S., hire of hall, etc., a cheque was paid over to Mrs. Boyall, the Nursing Association Treasurer, value £16/1/8, towards the local fund.
On June 5th the Rev. Mr. Beecher came and inspected the children in "Religious Knowledge". The report says: "The Religious Instruction is given with skill and vigour, and in both classes the children responded readily to my questions, and gave evidence of careful and assiduous teaching. The results there most satisfactory to me and highly creditable to Mrs. Cook and her assistant."