My dear People,-

The last day of May is Whit-Sunday, the birthday of the Christian Church. There will be services of Holy Communion at 7, 8, and 11 a.m.

On June 6th there will be the Annual Sale and Jumble stalls with penny dip and competitions, in the Parish Hall, opening at 2.30 p.m., run by the Women's Fellowship and the Girls' Friendly Society. The proceeds go towards the funds of our Nursing Association and for expenses of the two Societies who do the work. If any reader has any gifts for the stall or Jumble Sale, Mrs. Mutter would be glad to receive them by the day before, left at the Vicarage.

On June 10th our Choir journey to Canterbury Cathedral to take part in a Choral Festival there. A united rehearsal takes place at 2.45 and the big service is at 6 p.m. The practising for this Festival has kept Mr. Grensted and the Choir very busy and aroused, I am glad to know, a great deal of genuine interest. It will help our choristers to appreciate good music and puts before them ideals for our own services. Our kind friend, Mr. Gerald Denson, has generously said he will pay the expense for the Festival. The choristers must show their appreciation by regular attendance and the best singing we can do at our own Church services, for these Festivals are held for the purpose of improving the quality of our singing in the ordinary Parish Churches.

The Day School is to be examined in religious knowledge on Friday, the 5th.

Collectors will be calling on many of us for donations towards the cost of giving the Sunday scholars their day's Outing to Margate on the 24th instant.

If you hear the Church bell ringing for several services on June 23rd you may like to know that a day for a School of Prayer for the Clergy of the Deanery is being held by invitation of the Vicar. It starts with an Eucharist at 8.30

a.m., and if any of you would like to attend and receive Holy Communion you would be welcomed.

Mrs. Archibald Hales has asked me to inform you that the Hospital Flag Day on May 2nd produced £2/13/10 from Hartlip and that the Flag Day Fund Secretary was most grateful for it.

What the Cancer Campaign collected I have not yet heard. These sort of appeals, one is glad to know, reach everyone, and are worthy of any support and sympathy we can extend.

Your sincerely,



May 3rd - Joan, daughter of Robert William Henry and May Collins.

May 10th - David Royston, son of Bob and Edith Ivory.


This is arranged for on Wednesday, June 24th, to be at Margate.

Adults' tickets for the day cost 5/0.

Persons wishing to go should book their seats by Wednesday, June 10th. Readers will see that expensive coaches must be filled, as no-one wants to pay for empty seats, and it always takes a good deal of arrangement beforehand to manage everything satisfactorily.

All take their own lunch and we pay for the teas for members of the Women's Fellowship and the Sunday School scholars. Others pay 1/0 for tea, which is at the Dreamland Cafe this year.

The time of starting is 7 a.m. from the Church gate.