My dear People,-

I write this as Passiontide begins - the Church's solemn season which ends Lent. Holy Week comes with its message of what God has done in Christ Jesus our Saviour for our Redemption, and so one hopes Good Friday will not pass without the thought of all this day stands for, the death day of our Saviour with His Sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary. Then follows Easter Day, our joyous Queen of Festivals. The Church bids her faithful children to the Altar on this day. All are expected to be present. The rule of the Universal Church in all lands is that members should make their Communion on Easter Day. The Christ we worship is the living risen Christ and the gift He gives in Communion is His Living Self. So my duty is to say "Prepare and come and take your place amongst that multitude throughout the world who keep Easter with the shout of true 'Alleluias.'"

Your sincerely,



Good Friday:

11.0 a.m. Matins, Liturgy, and Address.

3.0 p.m. Way of the Cross for Children especially.

7.30 p.m. Evensong and Story of the Cross.


Holy Communion, 6.30 and 8 a.m. and following Matins at 11 a.m.

Children's Service with Waifs and Strays offerings at 3 p.m.

Evensong and Sermon, 6.30 p.m.


We print these for the information of parents:
Easter - Thursday, April 9th to 20th.
Ascension Day - May 21st.
Whitsuntide - June 1st and 2nd.
June - Monday, 11th to 29th.
Bank Holiday - August 3rd and 4th.
Summer - Wednesday, Aug. 26th to Sept. 28th.
Christmas - Thursday, Dec. 24th to Jan. 4th, 1937


The first Annual Meeting was held at Dane House, by the courtesy of the President, Mrs. Noble, who afterwards entertained those present to tea. The Vicar presided. At first the Hartlip Branch held their own meeting and re-elected their officers and former Committee, adding the names of Mesdames E. Webb, Wakeley, and Luck.

At the main Meeting representatives were present from Stockbury and Bredhurst and Miss Maguire, the County Secretary. Mrs. Boyall presented the annual statement of accounts, which showed a very satisfactory state. She was warmly

thanked for the work and time she has given to the Association. Stockbury and Bredhurst each reported the doings of their branches, and testimonials were given to the good work done by Nurse Ashley.

Miss Maguire gave an interesting talk about the work of a nurse.

Thanks were given to Mrs. Noble, the President, and all the officers and collectors, the Chairman saying all could feel the Association was now well started


The Missionary Exhibition held on March 20th was a great success. The stalls were covered with loads of articles from abroad, many of the exhibits being very beautiful and well worth seeing. The stall devoted to local exhibits created a great attraction. Many visitors remarked what a pity it was that the show did not go on for a longer time. Dr. A. Jones, the Rural Dean, came and declared the exhibition open. The Rev. T. H. Jacques, the Vicar of St. Mary's, Sittingbourne, followed with a speech on the general aspect of Missionary work. Tea was served afterwards. At the evening gathering a large number of friends were present, and all concluded with a Lantern Lecture by Miss A. Cane. Her slides of Palestine were excellent, and Miss Cane's descriptive powers made the scenes live in our imagination.

The Vicar desires to warmly thank all those who so kindly assisted in various ways and those who lent exhibits. A balance sheet follows and shows, we were able to send £3 8s. 3d. to help Missionary endeavours.


Sales of Refreshments1510
Admission Money11611
Donations and Box106
Sale of Books081
Postage for Literature026
Carbide for Lantern007
Hire of Hall100
Sent Jerusalem and East1100
Sent St. Augustine's Missionary Student.1100
Sent C.M.S.093

The Rev. K. P. Smith visited us on the Sunday evening of the 22nd and gave a message of encouragement in keeping our Missionary interests fresh and active.