Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
March 1936 : page 2 (of 2)
My dear People,-
Last month some of our news was crowded out by lack of space, hence its belated appearance.
With this number Lent begins, and I have not this year obtained a special preacher, but hope to give the addresses myself. The Rev. K. P. Smith, who came as Archbishop's Messenger for the Missionary Campaign last Advent, is coming to preach on Sunday night, March 22nd, and I hope as many as possible will come to hear him.
The Missionary Study Circle has been very well attended by about a dozen young people. The subject has been "Canada," and was found very interesting and informative. I hope our Exhibition may prove a success and it will, if all are keen to help.
The Sunday School scholars will try and help the Waifs and Strays Society this Lent by once more giving their pence to forward the good work. The offerings at week-day services will be given to the S.P.G.
The season of Lent is what the individual makes it for himself or herself. I do sincerely hope that we may use the time for our spiritual profit and as a preparation for all that Easter should mean to a Christian.
Your sincerely,
The Churchwardens, Treasurer, Organist, and men of the Choir and Bellringers met at the Vicarage for supper followed by a musical evening on Jan. 7th, and spent a happy time.
A kind friend has offered to defray the expense of taking our Choristers to the Annual Festival at Canterbury Cathedral. So we have joined the Association and obtained copies of the music, and Mr. Grensted is to be busy practising the Choir members for the occasion. It should be a musical education which will benefit the Choir and improve appreciation for good sacred music.
Mrs. Wright, of Dunkirk, paid a second visit this season to our Branch, and gave a further talk in connection with the syllabus put forth by the parent Society. We are grateful for her kindness in motoring across and for her earnest message.
In February the members were all invited to a quiet afternoon at Holy Trinity, Sittingbourne, conducted by the Rev. A. D. Hodgson. Eight from our Branch availed themselves of this. Altogether over two hundred from the Deanery were present, and tea was served in the Schoolroom at the close of the service.
The Vicar last month addressed the Boughton Branch, and on March 25th he is to conduct tbe Ospringe Deanery gathering at Faversham.
Members please note that the Annual Corporate Communion of the Society throughout the world is on Lady Day, March 25th. The service for our members will be on that Wednesday at 10 o'clock.
Note that the date has had to be altered to Friday, March 20th.
It will open in the Parish Hall at 3 p.m.
Tea will he served from 4 to 5 p.m., price 3d per person. Close at 5.30 p.m. It will re-open at 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
There will be special speakers and a Lantern Lecture by Miss Cane on "Palestine," illustrated by magnificent slides.
Already a list is being compiled of loan exhibits, and it promises to be a very interesting and instructive Exhibition.
It is hoped to secure the loan of the old Hartlip organ from the Maidstone Museum.
If you have anything which would prove of interest to show, please let the Vicar know.
Admission will be 2d. for adults and 1d. for children. As we have to pay for the Hall, we want everyone to come and make the effort a true success.
Nurse Ashley is taking a new cottage - No. 1 Cherrybank in Munns Lane - and moves in this month.
The Rev. H. F. Lord (a brother-in-law of the late Vicar, Mr. Creaton), who was up to last May Vicar of Bapchild, died at Smarden last month. Most of his ministerial life was spent in India. He was a true Missionary, and will be greatly missed. Our sympathy goes out to Mrs. Lord and Mrs. Creaton. His remains were laid to rest in Bapchild Churchyard, and a large number of friends were present to pay their last respects.
Lent Services. - Wednesdays at 10 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.