My dear People,

As I write we are busy preparing for the Missionary Festival to be held in Hartlip Vicarage grounds this year. It will be nice to meet people from the other parishes and to know we have a link with them in striving to take our part in the great work which Our Lord has commissioned His Church to do in making known His Gospel throughout the world - sharing the blessings we enjoy ourselves as members of the great Church which Christ founded to be the witness of God's redeeming love. I am grateful to the Rev. A. D. Hodgson, Vicar of Rainham, for coming and preaching on the subject.

All of us will be pleased to hear that Miss Dinah Faussett-Osborne is recovering her health after a very long and trying illness.

The Report of the Diocesan Inspector of Church Schools is printed herewith.

I shall give the Sunday School a holiday later on. The rest is good for scholars and teacher alike. It is good to report our numbers are going up again.

Your sincerely,



My visit to this School, on May 27th, was the first I had paid since its re-organization as a Junior School. I am very happy to report that its tone and the character of its religious instruction deserve much praise. The opening service set a standard of reverence and worship which was well maintained in the subsequent time I spent in the classes. The hymn was sung with enthusiasm and tune.

The Infants' Class were a bright and happy set of children, replying readily and rightly to my questions on the life of Our Lord and the Catechism, and showing that the teaching had been very careful and interesting.

The Junior Class also showed much enjoyment in the subjects upon which they were questioned, including the New Testament, the life of Joseph, and the Commandments. Their knowledge was sound, and their intelligence good, and they showed themselves appreciative of the lessons. In this class also the instruction had been given in a manner worthy of commendation.

(Revd.) H. C. JACKMAN,
Diocesan Inspector.


The members are warmly invited by Mrs. Day of Berengrave House, Rainham, to a garden meeting on Wednesday, July 10th, at 3 p.m. If wet, the party will be in the Church Hall. Those who can accept this invitation should let Mrs. Mutter know by the 7th, so that she can send in the number we can expect to be present.


The Society celebrates its Diamond Jubilee this year. A great Service will be held in Canterbury Cathedral on Saturday, July 27th, and we hope members will go from Hartlip. Any desirous of taking part should communicate with Mrs. Mutter as soon as possible, so that suitable arrangements can be made for travelling and teas.


Herne Bay was chosen for our visit this year and on the morning of June 20th, three motor coaches started off, full of happy people for a day at the seaside. The weather was perfect, a slight breeze tempered the heat, and, everone enjoyed themselves to the utmost. We had an excellent shrimp tea, topped off with ice cream. Hearty thanks go to all the kind friends who subscribed towards the children's treat, and to those who made such excellent arrangements.


June 25th - Harriett Black, aged 84 years.


A Sale was held on June 1st in the Parish Hall and the promoters realised the benefit of having the Hall for such a purpose. Over £32 was taken. But the Women's Fellowship and the G.F.S. who had worked so hard for the stalls, had to deduct their expenses in getting the materials for making up; yet, even so, the District Nursing Association was handed £20, a splendid contributions towards the good work the Nurse is engaged upon in the three villages.

The Women's Fellowship and the G.F.S. are to be congratuated on the success of their labours, and thanks are due to the donors of goods for the Jumble Sale.