My dear People,

November is known in the Church as the month of Holy Souls. It starts with All Saints' Day on the 1st, which our forefathers called "All Hallows". Next day is All Souls' Day, with its custom of remebering all departed friends. The services for these days are printed below. I hope many of you will be able to observe them. On All Souls' Day, at the Celebration, I am glad to read out the names at the Altar of any departed friends you may wish specially interceded for, if such names are handed in to me some time before.

At the Diocesan Conference our Archbishop spoke in affectionate terms of the departure of the Bishop of Dover, who is going to be the new Bishop of Guildford. He will be sadly missed by very many in this Diocese, where he has been so well known as Archdeacon of Maidstone and to a great extent as our Bishop. The enormous claims made upon the Archbishop of Canterbury as the head of the Anglican Episcopate, makes it impossible for Dr. Lang to give the time he would desire to this part of the County of Kent. He recently said how much he really wished he could visit our country parishes, but it is a sheer impossibility.

Armistice Day falls on a Sunday this year, and there will be the outdoor Service at the Memorial Cross, with the observance of the Silence. Following this we shall have our Morning Service in Church. I extend a cordial invitation to all "Old Comrades" and others to join with us on this occasion. The Archbishop is sending all the clergy instruction about this Service, but up to the time of writing this it has no arrived.

Your sincerely,



Sept. 30 - Cyril David. son of Henry Aubrey and Martha Atkins.

Oct. 16th (privately). - Joy Maria, daughter of George and Olive Elizabeth Mitchell.


The services were bright and hearty, and good congregations attended. Many kind friends sent offerings of fruit, vegetables, corn, and flowers with which the Church was decorated. The gifts in kind were despatched to Keycol Hospital, and the Matron sent her thanks to all kind donors. The children and a few friends gave over eight dozen eggs - a most, acceptable offering. The alms for the Festivals, amounting to over £4, were sent to St. Bartholomew's.

Hospital, at Rochester. Dr. Jones, of Sittingbourne, our Rural Dean, came and preached at the first Evensong, and those privileged to hear were impressed by his sermon on the lessons of Nature which revealed God the Creator.

The village also had a Sale of Produce on the following Saturday, for the hospitals, which was a great success.

The Sittingbourno Memorial Hospital has also been helped through a "Pound Day." Many do not know that this beautiful Cottage Hospital is available for Hartlip residents, and if illness came the writer knows a patient would be well looked after there.

The appeals seem to come very close together, but when one considers the needs and value of hospitals one never surely begrudges helping them, even at the cost of some slight self-denial. There was no space before to thank friends who gave to the Maidstone Hospital in July last, when Mrs. R. G. E. Locke organised a collection of produce. Miss Coe, the Matron, wrote expressing her gratitude to all contributors.


The meetings have started, and some of the members have been busy repairing the Church hassocks and found it a tedious job. It is not easy to get a needle through felt and canvass, not to mention wounderful material with which the hassocks are packed. Frequent ejaculations were heard as the work proceeded, so different front the quiet of women when generally when they ply the needle. The Parochial Church Council should be grateful for this labour, as well as the worshippers who use the kneelers.


A free Cinema Show will take place in the Hall on Thursday, Nov. 29th. The mothers invite any friends who would like to come. Time, 2.30 p.m. It is an Educational Film.


The girls have begun their Winter Session, and have started to dress dolls for an Orphan Convalescence Home. Nurse Webster is going to give the members lessons in bandaging and first aid.


Oct. 31st - ALL SAINTS' EVE. Choral Evensong, at 7.30.

Nov. lst - ALL SAINTS' DAY. Children's Service with flowers for graves, at 9 a.m. Holy Communion at 10 a.m.

Nov. 2nd - ALL SOULS' DAY. Requiem Celebration at 7 a.m.

Nov. 11th - ARMISTIC DAY Service at the Village Cross, at 10.45 a.m.