My Dear People,-

I want to call your attention first to the visit of the Rev. Percy E. Wilson, the organising secretary of the Archbishop's Fund for providing new churches in this Diocese. Some of you have already read the pamphlet distributed at the Church Service's, and have learnt how necessary it is to help the people in new districts such as the coalfields of East Kent, the suburbs of Maidstone, and the Croydon District. The people in these districts are doing what they can, but they must also have some outside assistance. We who have inherited our churches without any cost to us, ought to do what we can to help those who are not so fortunate. If we value and appreciate our own Church it is all the more reason why we should come to the help of others who are striving to obtain buildings or worship wherein their children can be instructed in the Faith.

The Secretary visits us on June 5th, and preaches at 11 a.m., and I hope will also address the children. He has to be at Maidstone at night, so it will fall to my lot to tell you something of the need then.

These are hard times for many people financially, but by a little self-sacrifice it is possible to do something for such urgent need.

The second point to which I want to draw your attention is that on June 7th there is to be a Missionary Festival in the Vicarage Garden at Tunstall. Time, 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Every parish in the Sittingbourne Deanery is asked to give three parcels of produce for sale there. Mr. S. Hollands is our local Secretary. Can you give some eggs, jam, or other saleable goods? Don't leave this idea thinking others can do it, but please send along your offering to the Post Office by Monday, June 6th.

Bishop Sedgwick is to take the devotional side of the Festival. Mrs. Arthur Janes will open the Garden Party, and in addition to the produce stall there will be others for the sale of curios, etc., from abroad. Of course refreshments will be on sale, and the Tunstall ladies are attending to this matter. Try and attend if you possibly can. It is good for all of us to get away from our parish affairs occasionally, and find a wider view of church matters. There is no charge for admission.

Yours sincerely,


May 15th - Edward George, son of Edward George Greenfield and Kathleen Grace Baker.


The following candidates were presented at Upchurch on Wednesday, May 4th. Bishop Bidwell conducted the service. David Thomas Attwood, Percy Williams, John Dixon, Arthur William

Mills, Evelyn Hope Donaldson, Esmeralda Adeline Hills, Joan Fisher Medhurst, and Myrtle Mary Miles. First Communion, Sunday, June 5th, at 8 a.m.


The members of the Women's Meeting and the children of the Sunday School are to have their summer outing this year on Tuesday, June 21st, at Hythe, near Folkestone. The, chars-a-banc will start from the Church at 8.30, and go via Faversham and Ashford, returning by Hawkinge, Bridge, and Canterbury. The grown-ups will be charged 5/0. All who go, including the children, must take their own lunches, or arrange for the same themselves. Tea will be provided for both parties. Friends and parents must book their seats at least a week beforehand by paying their fare. Mrs. Baxter will take the money and give tickets. This is necessary in order to reserve the proper accommodation. Donations towards the children's expense will be gratefully received by the collectors ar the Vicar. What we hope for is as fine a day as last year.


On Wednesday, May 11th, a Sale of Work, Bran Tub, and Competitions was held at Dane House, kindly permitted by Colonel and Mrs. Noble. The day was damp and so visitors could not enjoy the delights of the garden, but the morning room, hall, lounge, and dining room provided ample accommodation for the many who came and over £10 was taken as a result of this afternoon. The Women's Meeting members are most grateful to Mrs. Noble, their presiding member, for the trouble she has gone to, and for all her generosity. Their funds are now in a good condition, and they were able to donate £4 to Commander Pitcairn for the missionary work which the parish supports. The Churchwardens wish to thank the Meeting members most heartily for their help.


A party from Hartlip including Mrs. R. G. E. Locke, the enrolling member, and Mrs. J. E. Pitcairn, Hon. Secretary, attended the Diocesan Festival, on May 19th, in Canterbury Cathedral. Mrs. Woodcock carried our banner in the great procession, and our Vicar was there amongst the clergy. It was an unforgetable sight to see the vast Cathedral filled with women. The Archbishop's address was thoroughly sympathetic, wise, and practical; it will long be remembered by those who had the privilege of hearing it. Mrs. Locke is entertaining the members at Guildstead Court on June 9th.


The members are asked to attend Holy Communion at 8 a.m. on June 25th, when special prayers will be offered. This Sunday is observed by the G.F.S. throughout the Diocese. Candidates are also invited to come, although they may not communicate. The 8 a.m. service can be used by non-communicants just as much as an eleven o'clock.


The Parish Hall is now about to be started. A body of management has been appointed, and by the autumn Hartlip people should be able to take possession of this long looked for building. The Committee are proposing to run a Fête on August Bank Holiday. If all throw their interest into this, and enthusiastically support it, then the Hall ought to be opened almost free of debt. At the same time the playing field with its new pavilion is to be declared open. We expect to publish further particulars next month.