My Dear People,-

I have to acknowledge a further sum given to the Easter Offering which has brought the total to £20/16/0 - a most generous gift towards Dilapidations of the Cure.

By the time this reaches my readers our Confirmation Service at Upchurch will be over. Eight candidates will have been presented.

The Festival of the, Ascension will also be past. May 15th, Whit-Sunday, is the Birthday of the Church, and on the following Sunday we keep the last great Feast of the Christian Year Trinity Sunday.

On June 5th, the Rev. Percy E. Wilson is coming to preach in the morning. He will plead the claims of the Archbishop's Appeal for new Churches. I hope this parish will make a good response.

Our Archbishop has returned from a short rest holiday in the South of France. One is glad to record that he is in much better health. But the Bishop of Dover is unwell, and has had to cancel under doctor's orders, all his present engagements. We shall all hope that with rest he may soon be restored to his accustomed vigour.

Yours sincerely,



May 1st. - Joyce Elizabeth, daughter of Alfred James and Elizabeth Skinner.


The Annual Festival was well observed and the majority of the members attended the Corporate Communion, on Lady Day transferred. The Thursday following we had the annual service in Church at 3 p.m. with an excellent attendance. The Vicar preached. A hymn practise was held in preparation for the Annual Diocesan Festival which is to be held in Canterbury Cathedral. An adjournment was made to the Vicarage for tea, and Mrs. Pitcairn, our Hon. Secretary, transacted the business side of the Union. Mrs. Woodcock was elected banner bearer for the Canterbury Festival. It was a keen disappointment that Mrs. R. G. E. Locke, our enrolling member and president, was unable through indisposition to be present. Our last Vicar's wife, Mrs. Creaton, still retains her membership here, and sent her greetings.


There is to be a Sale of Work at Dane House on Wednesday, May 11th, at 3 p.m. Teas will be provided at 6d. per head. All hope that sufficient funds will be received to put the ordinary finances on a good basis and that there will be enough in addition to give a good grant towards the Missionary Funds of the Parish.

We must soon settle our plans definitely for the Summer Picnic, which is to be field in June.

It can now be stated definitely we believe that next year we shall be established in the new Parish Hall.

The Inspector from the Diocese will visit the Schools for an examination in religious knowledge on Friday, May 13th, at 9 a.m.

The Church now possesses a fine steel fireproof safe. It has been purchased at second-hand for the sum of £17/5/0. It is good to know that the parish records, which are very valuable, and the Communion vessels have a more permanent home.


A concert was held on Friday, April 22nd, in the Schoolroom, a full account of which appeared in the weekly Press. Our scholars provided the first half, and acquitted themselves well. The packed audience were delighted at the efforts of the young people. The Mistresses who trained them so well and with short preparation are to be congratulated.

Miss Faussett-Osborne was responsible for the second half of the programme. Items were given by the Hartlip Band and songs by Miss Joan Faussett-Osborne, Miss Barbara Locke, and Mr. H. Faussett-Osborne. The ability of these performers is so well known that it is almost unnecessary to add that their efforts gave much pleasure to the listeners. Over £6/10/0 was taken. Half of this goes for gramophone records required at the School for teaching country dances, whilst the rest will be handed over to the New Parish Hall Funds.

The upper classes in the School have been provided by the Kent Education Committee with handsome oak dual desks. They should prove a great boon to the children both as to extra comfort and tidyness in keeping their books, etc., packed neatly away. The former desks make it possible now to have outdoor classes when the weather is suitable.