Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
February 1931 : page 2 (of 2)
His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury has nominated Canon Cecil George Mutter, L.Th., to the Living of Hartlip, in succession to the Rev. Donald H. Creaton. Canon Mutter, who was trained at St. Augustine's College, Canterbury, took his L.Th. at Durham University, was appointed to the curacy of St. Peter's, Wellington, New Zealand, in 1910. In 1912 to 1914 he was Curate of St. Michael's, Christchurch, New Zealand. From 1914 to 1923 Diocesan Missioner and Mission Chaplain to the Bishop of Christchurch. In 1919 he was made an honorary Canon of Christchurch, and in 1923 appointed Vicar of Sydenham, and Chaplain to the Bishop of Christchurch. The Bishop of Dover, acting as Archdeacon of Maidstone, has fixed Saturday, 14th February, at three o'clock, as the date for the Induction of Canon Mutter. It is hoped that all parishioners will do their best to be present at the service, and after the service there will be a reception and tea in the Schoolroom to welcome the new Vicar.
You are all aware that the Archbishop has nominated me to the cure of souls in your charming village, and the Bishop of Dover is to institute me as your new vicar on Saturday afternoon, at 3 p.m., February 14th. I have seen your beautiful church, and to see is to admire. I look forward with pleasure to my ministry in your midst, and make one initial request. Will all of you who are communicants join with me at one of the services on February 15th, so that my work may start in an atmosphere of brotherhood and prayer?
Yours sincerely,
The Annual General Meeting of the Gardeners' Association was held in the Club Room on, Tuesday evening, 6th January, Lieut.-Colonel R. G. E. Locke presiding over a very fair muster of members. The financial statement showed that the balance standing to the credit of the Association at the end of 1930 was £1/19/3. Comparing this amount with the credit balance of just over £13 at, the end of 1929, it will be seen that 1930 was not a successful year financially. This is attributable to the very meagre support accorded to our Annual Show, and perhaps one reason why so few came was that we were unable, as in previous years, to hold it in the grounds at Dane House. The members of the Association and its officials put in quite a considerable amount of time and labour in connection with this annual event, and the expenses, of course, are somewhat heavy. The prize list alone amounts to over £20, and to hire a tent, good enough to display to the best advantage the choicest of Hartlip's produce, means another £5. From these two items alone it will be seen that a fair amount of support from the general public is absolutely necessary in order that this Annual Show may be run successfully. It would be a great pity to allow it to drop, and although our balance is so low, it was decided to hold the Annual show again this year on 8th August, when it is hoped that we shall have better support. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted in Lieut.-Colonel R. G. E. Locke being unanimously re-elected as President. Mr. W. H. Luck as Chairman, with Mr. W. G. Kitchingham as Vice-Chairman of the Association. The following were elected to the Committee: Messrs. T. Apps, L. J. J. Baxter, E. T. Friar; C. Grinsted, A. Harris, W. Hills, W. Scott, and P. Whitehead, whilst the Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, R. C. J. Southgate, was re-elected. A resolution was passed with acclamation expressing the Association's great appreciation of the support which has been given by the President and Vice-Presidents during the past year, and the hope was expressed that they would continue their support through this year. There is plenty of room, for new members. The President
Mr. Southgate, which was received with applause, and also with much appreciation that he continues in office another year. The Association's Autumn Show on behalf of the Hospitals resulted in the sum of £10/12/0 being raised, and as there were no expenses, this amount was apportioned between St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Rochester, and the Ophthalmic Hospital, Maidstone, £8/10/0 being sent to the former, and £2/2/0 to the latter.
Om January 2nd an old inhabitant of Hartlip passed away at her residence, Linden Cottage, Camden Hill. Mrs. Russell, the second daughter of late Rev. H. and Mrs. Godfrey-Faussett Osborne, of Hartlip Place, and the widow of Coloniel Walter Russell, R. E. Mrs. Russell will be remembered by many in Hartlip as the originator of the Hartlip Band; also for many years, till the time of her wedding in 1900, she trained the Church Choir, and in many other ways, was always ready to brighten the life of the village with concerts and musical evenings. On, the evening of the 6th a half-muffled peal of 720 plain bob minior, was rung from the tower of the Parish Church, as a mark of respect, by some old friends, namely, E. T. Friar treble, W. A. Miles 2, W. G. Kitchingham 3, G. Mobbs 4, G. Avard. 5, W. J. Walker tenor and conductor. Also standing by were Mr. S. D. Hollands and Mr. H. Twort, captain of the bells, and Mr. E. Baxter.
On New Year's Day the Sunday School Treat took place, when fifty out of fifty-three children sat down to tea, followed by games, organised by Miss. Woodcock, with Miss Ivy Saunders, Mrs. and Miss. Pitcairn, and the Misses Faussett-Osborne as assistants. Later the prizes were presented to the successful pupils by Mrs. Pitcairn, assisted by Mrs. C. Faussett-Osborne. The folding doors were later thrown open to display a magnificant Christmas Tree, with Father Christmas, standing ready to welcome all comers. The parents having arrived, sat round, whilst the various presents were distributed to each pupil. A very pleasant evening being spent, after hearty thanks were given to Miss Woodcock, Miss Faussett Osborne, and Commander and Mrs. Pitcairn, the gathering dispersed, one and all wishing each other a prosperous New Year.
Jan. 24th — Annie Elizabeth Taylor, aged 19 years.
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£ | s. | d. | ||||
Jan. | 4 | - | Quota to Diocesan Fund | 1 | 11 | 7 |
" | 11 | - | Church Expenses | 1 | 12 | 3 |
" | 18 | - | Church Expenses | 1 | 7 | 2 |
" | 25 | - | Church Expenses | 1 | 13 | 9 |
8 a.m. — Holy Communion.
11 a.m. — Matins and Holy Communion.
3 p.m.—Children's Service.
6.00 p.m. Evensong and Service. Taken by the Vicar.
A Variety Entertainment will be given in the School in aid of the Parish Hall, on Saturday, February 7th next, at 8.15 p.m.
The Band will give a Concert in the Schools on Shrove Tuesday, February 17th.