Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
June 1930 : page 2 (of 2)
The Vicarage,
27th May, 1930.
My Dear Friends, -
There has passed away to the Higher life one who by the force of his personality, his far-seeing wisdom, his statesmanship, his broad mindedness, his sympathy, and his sincerity exercised a remarkable influence in the world. Men of all shades of opinion are bearing witness to this, and to the affection and esteem in which he is held.
But to us in the Canterbury Diocese Archbishop Davidson was something more than the Primate of All England, and a great world figure; he was for a quarter of a century our own Bishop, visiting our parishes (as he visited Hartlip a few years ago), meeting us in a social way, preaching in the churches, presiding at meetings, and everywhere in his own unassuming way, but with quiet dignity, gaining more and more the place, which he held in the respect and affection of his people.
As one who was ordained by him when he was Bishop of Rochester, and who served under him for the whole of the time he was Archbishop of Canterbury, I may be allowed to speak of his unfailing kindness to the clergy of his Diocese, and his thought for them and their work.
He leaves us an example of a long life spent in "serving his generation by the will of God." He has now "fallen on sleep," and we bless God's Holy Name for His Servant departed this life in His faith and fear.
At Canterbury Cathedral there is being kept from June 7th to 14th what is called the "Festival of Commemoration." The Dedication of the Norman Cathedral was in 1130, and the first service, in the Present Choir was held in 1180. For each day something special is arranged, but the parishes are particularly invited to take part in services on Saturday, June 7th, and Thursday, June 12th. Unfortunately our Village Fete, being on the 7th, we shall not be able to go to Canterbury on that day, but I am much hoping that we may, some of us, manage to take part in the Great Diocesan Missionary Festival, which is to be held there as part of the "Commemoration" on Thursday, June, 12th. The special collections which we had in the Church for Foreign Missions on Sunday, May 25th, realised £1/16/4, and this is to be presented at the service at Canterbury, on June 12th. I shall be glad to give further information to any who are interested, or who may think of going with us on the 12th.
Another important event takes place on June 21st. There is to be a great gathering of Young People at the Cathedral, and each Council of Youth in the Diocese is invited to send representatives. Our Council has accepted the invitation, and probably three from our parish will go. I hope to be with them.
Your sincere Friend and Vicar,
On Whit-Sunday there will be celebrations of the Holy Communion at 7 a.m., 8 a.m., and midday.
Thanks to the unbounded energy of Miss Faussett-Osborne, who has so kindly undertaken the responsibility of superintending the arrangements for Saturday, June 7th, the Fete promises to be a great success, and the whole village is being roped in to help in the cause in which everyone should be interested. "Take care of the interest, and the pounds will take care of themselves." If all show interest by coming themselves, and bringing their friends, the Fete should add another nice sum to swell the Fund for the Parish Hall. Come early, and invite your friends from outside the parish.
Special Intercession is being made in the Churches of the Deanery in June for the work of the Girls' Friendly Society. Hartlip members are particularly invited to be present in our Church at the celebration of the Holy Communion at 8 a.m. on Sunday, June 22nd.
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£ | s. | d. | ||||
May | 1st | - | Vicar's Fund | 0 | 1 | 3 |
" | 4th | - | Quota to Diocesan Fund | 1 | 18 | 5 |
" | 11th | - | Church Expenses | 1 | 8 | 11 |
" | 18th | - | Church Expenses | 1 | 10 | 8 |
" | 25th | - | Society for the Propogation of the Gospel | 1 | 16 | 4 |