The Vicarage,
29th April, 1930.

My dear Friends, -

Although we have enjoyed our stay in Cornwall, and our many delightful walks on the grand cliffs, and in other beautiful scenery there, yet it is good to be at home again. I am glad and thankful to come back much better in health for any winter in the soft air of the extreme west of England.

It has been pleasing to me to hear of things in connection with the Church going on so happily whilst I have been away, and I am grateful to Mr. Brooke, and to Mrs. Brooke, for the way in which they carried on the work, particularly, perhaps, for their interest in the children.

The Church looked very pretty for Easter. The Festival falling later than usual we had an abundance of daffodils for they decorations. It was good to see so many (88 altogether) at our Greatest Service. In Hartlip we generally have a large number of Easter communicants, for the size of the place, and at this I rejoice, but do some of them think that this privilege and blessing is to be confined to Easter, or even to the Great Festivals of the Church? Surely the Lord's Own Service is intended for His people to come to frequently - as Christians came to it in the early days of which we read in the New Testament. Just now we are rather short of boys in the choir, but the singing on Easter Day was very nice, and the anthem, "They have taken away my Lord" was sung well. The choir could not undertake any special music on Good Friday evening this year, but at the quiet little service we had we much appreciated the sacred songs sung by Miss Barbara Locke and Mr. Goad.

A good number attended the combined meeting of the Easter Vestry and the Church Council which was held on April 22nd. I had the pleasure of again nominating Colone1 Locke as my Warden, and of expressing publicly my gratitude too him for all his work in the past in this office, and particularly for what he has so kindly and thoughtfully done whilst I have been ill or away. Mr. S. D Hollands was unanimously re-elected as People's Warden. When we have got Mr. Hollands in any office (how many does he hold in the parish?) we always try to keep him there, for we know how thoroughly he carries out whatever he undertakes, and we all much appreciate what he does so readily and cheerfully to keep things going well in the parish. He was re-elected also as Hon. Secretary of the Church Council. Mr. Faussett-Osborne was re-elected Vice-Chairman. The

sum of £11/18/6 was handed to me for the Dilapidations Fund. May I express my sincere thanks to all those who contributed to this liberal Easter Offering? At the meeting we had some talk about the new part of the Churchyard. Colonel Locke said that he felt that we ought now to have a proper plan of the ground made, and a register kept of burials in it. We all agree that this is most desirable, and it was left to the Churchyard Committee to arrange for a plan and a register to be prepared.

For the Band Concert on April 25th, the Schoolroom should have been filled. Few, if any, villages in the county of the size of ours can boast of a band. At any rate, if they can, they won't come forward to test their quality against ours at the County Competition! The Band is one of the things we are proud of in Hartlip. However, quite a good audience enjoyed the varied programme of instrumental and vocal music, and Miss Fausett-Osborne and the members of the Band are to be heartily congratulated upon it.

The usual Rogation Service in the Churchyard is fixed for Tuesday, May 27th, at 7.30 p.m. May I hope that this beautiful service will be well attended?

Thursday, May 29th is Ascension Day. The services are to be:- Holy Communion 8, Children's Service 9, Mattins 11, Choral Evensong and address 7.30.

I remain,

Your sincere Friend and Vicar,



March 30. - Leslie George, son of Alfred Millan and Lily Louisa Long.

April 6. - Lilian, daughter of Stanley Oscar and Daisy Jane Atkins.


March30.-Organ and Choir Fund11611
April6.-Quota to Diocesan Fund1161
"13.-Church Expenses1102
"17.-Vicar's Fund010
"18.-S. Mary's Home, Stone116
"20.-Dilapidations Fund111411
"27.-Church Expenses1154