Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
December 1930 : page 2 (of 2)
Downderry, Cornwall
19th November, 1930.
My dear Friends,
Mrs. Creaton joins with me in saying how very much we appreciated the kindness shown to us on our leaving Hartlip.
We were touched by the large gatherings of our friends in the Schoolroom to bid us farewell, and by the handsome parting present which was made to us, with the book showing how many contributed to it. We should like, through the Magazine, to express again our thanks to you all.
With the money we want to buy something which will not only be useful to us, but will also be a continual reminder of our happy years Hartlip.
It was nice, too, for us to have so many of our friends with us at the Services in the Church on our last Sunday.
We hope to hear soon that a new Vicar has been appointed.
I remain,
Your sincere Friend,
MRS. CREATON, Nov. 7th, 1930.
A large gathering of parishioner met in the Schools at Hartlip to bid "Good-bye" to tine Vicar and Mrs. Creaton, when Lieut.-Colonel R. G. E. Locke, as Chairman of the Parish Council and Vicar's Warden, was called upon to present to the Vicar a cheque to the value of £17/19/6, together with an address on vellum with the name of the subscribers. Mrs. Southgate, on behalf of the Gardeners' Association, presented Mrs. Creaton with a bouquet of chrysanthemums. The list of the subscribers included all the various societies in the village.
7th November, 1930.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Creaton,
Before you leave Hartlip your parishioners and a few friends outside the parish, wish to make some attempt to show how much your work here has been appreciated, and how much your departure is regretted.
We are especially sorry that it is for reasons of health that the Vicar is compelled to move to a milder climate, and we trust that his health will greatly benefit by the change.
We beg your acceptance of this shall cheque, and wish you God speed.
We are,
Yours sincerely,
Mr. and Mrs. Acott | Mr. and Mrs. Botten |
Mr. Akhurst | Mr. and Mrs. Botting |
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander | Mr. and Mrs. Bowles and |
Mr. Amos | Mr. & Mrs. Brice [family |
Mr. and Mrs. Andrews | Mr. and Mrs. Brown |
Mrs. J. Apps | Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark |
Miss Apps | Mr. and Mrs. E. Clark |
Mr. T. Apps | Mrs. G. Clark |
Mr. and Mrs. Atkins | Mr. and Mrs. G. Clout |
Mr. and Mrs. O. Attwood, | Mrs.Cooper |
Mr. F. Attwood [jun. | Mr. and Mrs. A. Cork |
Mr. and Mrs. Avard | Miss Cork |
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey | Mr, and Mrs. Crayford |
Mr. and Mrs. Baker | Mr. and Mrs. Cryer |
Mr. and Mrs. Baxter and | Mrs. Day |
Mrs. Black [family | Mrs. Denson |
Mr. Boakes | Mr. and Mrs. Dixon |
Mr. and Mrs. Evans | Mr. and Mrs. Mills |
Mr. & Mrs. Fausett- | Mr. and Mrs. Moon |
Osborne | Cllr. & Mrs, Musselwhite |
Miss C. Fausett-Osborne | Mr. and Mrs Nelson |
Mr. and Mrs. Flack. | Mrs. Newman |
Mr. W. Flack | Mr. and Mrs. Ongley |
Mrs. French | Mr. and Mrs. R. Ongley |
Mrs. Friar | Miss E. Pepper |
Mr. & Mrs. E. T. Friar | Mr. and Mrs. H. Pepper |
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Friar | Mr. & Mrs. A. Philpot |
Mr. & Mrs. W. Friday | Mrs. C. Philpot |
Mr. and Mrs. Galpin | Mr. & Mrs. H. Philpot |
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert | Miss N. Philpot |
Mr. and Mrs. Godden | Comdr. & Mrs. Pitcairn |
Mrs. and Miss Goldsmith | Mr. and Mrs. G. Pope |
Mr. and Mrs Grinsted | Mr. G. Pope, jun. |
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hales | Mr. and Mrs. Rainey |
Mr. and Mrs. L. Hales | Mr. and Mrs. Ralph |
Mr. and Mrs. T Harris | Mr. Rayfield |
Mr. & Mrs. T. Harris, jr. | Mrs. Read. |
Mr. and Mrs. W. Harris | Misses Robson |
Mr. and Mrs. G. Harriss | Miss Rose |
Mr. and Mrs. J. Harriss | Mr. and Mrs. Sage |
Mr. and Mrs. P. Harriss | Mr. and Mrs. Saunders |
Mrs. Hills and family | Mr. Savage |
Mrs. F. Hollands | Mr. and Mrs. Scott |
Mr. & Mrs. G. Hollands | Mr. and Mrs. Sellen |
Miss Hollands | Mr. and Mrs. Simmons |
Mr. and Mrs. O. Hollands | Mr. and Mrs. Skinner |
Miss G. Hollands | Mr. and Mrs. A. Skinner |
Mr. S. D. Hollands | Mr. J. Smith |
Mr. and Mrs. Hopper | Mr. and Mrs. Southgate |
Mr. H. Hopper | Mr. and Mrs. Steer |
Mr. and Mrs. E. Hunt | Mr. and Mrs. Steerstree |
Mrs. J. Hunt | Mr. & Mrs. W. S. Stevens |
Mr. & Mrs. W. Kiching- | Mr. and Mrs. Styles |
ham | Mr. and Mrs. H. Taylor |
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard | Mr. and Mrs. Twort |
Mr. and Mrs. F. Leonard | Mr. and Mrs. Seymour |
Mr. H. Lilwall | Wakeley |
Mr. and Mrs. Linkin | Mr. T. A. Walker |
Col. and Mrs. Locke | Mr. and Mrs. Ward |
Miss Locke | Mrs. Waters |
Mr. and Mrs. Long | Col & Mrs. Lumley Webb |
Mr. and Mrs. Luck | Mr. & Mrs. F. Whitehead |
Mr. and Mrs. Mabbs | Mr. & Mrs. O. Whitehead |
Miss Mace | Mr. and Mrs. Whitnell |
Mr. and Mrs. McLean | Miss E. Whitnell |
Mr. and Mrs. W. Miles | Mr. and Mrs. Woodcock |
Mr. T. Miles | Miss A. Woodcock |
Mr. and Mrs. W. Miles | Miss E. Woodcock |
Mr. and Mrs. Milgate |
ST. THOMAS'S DOLE. - This will be distributed after the Afterpoon Service on Sunday, December 21st, St. Thomas's Day, and due notice will be sent to those entitled to receive it
THREE RUMMAGE SALES, realising £3/16/9½, £3/10/2, £3/3/9; total £10/10/8½ have been held, and the proceeds paid into the Parish Hall Account.
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£ | s. | d. | ||||
Oct. | 26 | - | Church Expenses | 1 | 19 | 6 |
Nov. | 2 | - | Quota to Diocesan Fund | 1 | 13 | 10 |
" | 9 | - | Church Expenses | 3 | 12 | 10 |
" | 16 | - | Ex-Service Men's Homes | 2 | 12 | 10 |
" | 23 | - | Organ and Choir Fund | 1 | 5 | 2 |
Nov. 23 - Cathleen Lauretta, daughter of Edward George and Cathleen Baker.