The Vicarage,
28th February, 1929.

My Dear Friends,

Much sickness and the very cold weather have made the congregations at our Sunday evening services small for some time past, and, so far, the Special Services on the Wednesdays in Lent have not been as well attended as usual. I know that some have found it difficult or impossible to get to Church, but I hope that soon the epidemic of sickness will pass, and with the brighter weather we shall get back to good congregations. We shall not lightly neglect the assembling of ourselves together for the public worship of Almighty God, but we all know how fatally easy it is to drop out of good habits and to get slack. Lent is intended to be a time when we pull ourselves together.

The Church, Council met on February 18th to revise the Roll of Electors, and on February 26th we had the Annual Church Meeting. The Hon. Secretary, Mr. S. D. Hollands, presented the Roll, which now contains 172 names, and he gave a short account of the doings of the Council during the past year. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to him for his services as Secretary.

The Hon. Treasurer, Lieut.-Colonel R. G. E. Locke, presented the accounts of the Council, and these were passed with the grateful thanks of the meeting for all the work of Colonel Locke in connection with the finances of the Church. I put before the meeting various accounts of which I am the Treasurer. With this number of the Magazine you will receive a printed statement of these accounts, and I hope you will look carefully at it. The Church Council was then elected, and we are pleased to have upon it now Mr. Faussett-Osborne, and to have his help and interest in the Church work in this parish. Messrs. S. D Hollands, W. A. Miles, and F. G. Saunders were chosen as representatives on the Ruri-Decanal Conference, and Mr. Saunders will serve on the Ruri-Decanal Finance Committee, and Mr. Hollands on the Ruri-Decanal Board of Missions. Colonel Locke remains the representative on the Diocesan Conference. The Sidesmen as last year were re-elected.

The account of the doings of the Gardeners' Association will be read with interest. Changes have been made in some of the chief officers, and as the old ones resign the reins we shall not forget how much the Association owes to them for its success in the past.

The Services for Holy-Week and Easter are given below. I feel sure that the special music on Goad Friday evening will help us to enter into the mean-

ing of this solemn day. I need hardly say how earnestly I hope that Confirmed Members of the Church will, with faithful hearts, come to the Lord's Own Service at the Great Festival of His Resurrection.

It has now been definitely decided that the Confirmation on May 7th shall be in our Church. I shall be glad to have at once the names of any who would like to attend the Classes of Instruction.

Your sincere Friend and Vicar,


Palm Sunday. - Usual Sunday Services.

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. - 11 a.m.. Mattins, with the Epistle and Gospel.

Maundy Thursday. - 8 a.m., Holy Communion; 11 a.m., Mattins, with the Epistle and Gospel.

Good Friday. - 11 a.m., Mattins and Anti-Communion Service and Sermon; 2 p.m., Children's Service 7.30 p.m., Sacred Music.

Saturday. - 8 a.m., Mattins, with the Epistle and Gospel.


Holy Communion at 7 a.m., 8 a.m., and Mid-day.


The annual general meeting of the Hartlip Cottage Gardeners' Association was held on Wednesday evening, 6th February, in the Club Room, about 20 members being present. The financial statement, presented by Mr. L. Hales, showed credit balance of just over £14. Lieut.-Colonel R. G. E. Locke was again elected as President, whilst Mr. J. Simmons was elected Chairman of the Association. The Hon. Secretaryship has changed hands, Mr. Southgate having been voted to the office. Mr. L. Hales, the retiring Hon. Secretary, was heartily thanked for the tremendous amount of work he has put in during the number of years he has held office. It was decided to hold the Monthly Shows again, in order to try and stimulate interest in the Association, and to improve the cultivation of garden and allotment, thereby obtaining better crops. There is plenty of room, and a hearty welcome for new members.    R.C.J.S.


Feb.3-Quota to Diocesan Fund1190
"10-Church Expenses149
"17-Church Expenses186
"24-Church Expenses180
"25&13-Vicar's Fund020