The Vicarage,
28th January, 1929.

My Dear Friends, -

The good attendance at the lectures on "Cottage Gardening," given by Mr. Andrews, in the Schoolroom, showed how much they were appreciated. Mr. Andrews is a man who is not only thoroughly well up in his subject, but is able to put it clearly before his hearers in an interesting way and as a practical gardener. We should like to have him to lecture in Hartlip again.

On February 13th we begin the solemn season of Lent, and I ask your special attention to the arrangements for the services which are given below. You will note that the week-day evening services are to be on Wednesdays this year, and I am glad to say that I have been able to secure one of the well-known Mission Preachers of our Diocese to speak to us at these services. In the past three years we have had large congregations at our special Lent Services, and I feel sure it will be the same this Lent.

The time is drawing near for our Annual Church Meeting, but before this is held we have to fill up and revise the Roll of Electors. We shall be pleased to add to it the names of any new-comers to the parish or of any outside the parish who have attended our Church. Forms to be signed will be found in the Church on the seat near the door. The forms state what are the qualifications for a "Resident Elector" and a "Non-Resident Elector." A meeting of the Church Council will be held on February 18th, to revise the Roll, and the Annual Church Meeting will be held on Monday, February 25th. The latter meeting all whose names are on the Roll are entitled to attend, and we shall be glad to see many present.

The Bishop of Dover will hold a Confirmation for parishes in this district on May 7th. It was arranged for this Confirmation Service to be at Stockbury, but I think that it will be transferred to Hartlip. We shall welcome the opportunity of having it in our Church this year, for it seems that we shall have quite a large number to be Confirmed. I propose to begin classes soon. I shall be most pleased to hear from any who would like to attend them. I wish it to be clearly understood that attendance at the classes does not pledge any one to go on to Confirmation.

What should be an interesting film will be shown at the Queen's Picture Theatre, at Sittingbourne, on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, Feb. 18th, 19th, and 20th, at 2.30 p.m. It is called "Africa To-day." Africa is attracting the interest of the world. The least known of all the Continents, it is now being rapidly opened up, and European ideas and methods are finding their way even into the villages. This change will be illustrated in the

film, and it will show the penetration of Christian ideals in Africa to-day. Tickets, 1/0, may be had from Mrs. Rainey.

Many have enjoyed the Whist Drives and Dances which have been held in the Schoolroom this winter, most of them organised by the British Legion and its keen Hon. Secretary. The last of the series, arranged by the Cricket Club, on Jan. 25th, was one of the most successful, and the Hon. Secretary of this Club is to be congratulated on the evening, and on the addition of over £5 to the funds.

Your sincere Friend and Vicar,


Ash Wednesday - Feb. 13th. - 8 a.m., Holy Communion: 9 a.m., Children's Service: 11 a.m., Mattins and Commination Service: 7 p.m., Evensong and Address.

Sundays - Holy Communion, 8 a.m. each Sunday, and 11 a.m. on Feb. 17th, March 3rd and 17th. Mattins at 11, with a Course of Addresses on "The State of Salvation Evensong at 6.30, with Addresses on "The Lord's Prayer." (The London Mission Hymn Book will be used at the evening services and copies provided.)

Wednesdays at 7.30 p.m. Shortened Evensong, with Addresses by the Rev. E. H. Morris. M.A., Vicar of Bethersden, on :-
I. - The Diety of Christ, Angelic Ministry things that pass away.
II.- The High-Priesthood of Christ.
III. The Future Judgment.
IV. - The Requirement of Faith and the Danger of Apostacy.
V. - The Christian Conception of the Character of God.
(It will be helpful if the Epistle to the Hebrews is read before or during the Course.)

Fridays, at 3 p.m. - The Litany, with Devotions Readings.

The Church is open every day from 8 a.m. til dusk for private prayer. The services for Holy Week will be announced next month.


Jan. 20th. - Rodney John, son of Leslie and Elizabeth Gertrude Holman.

Jan. 24th. - Joan Olive and Jean Emily, daughters of Frank and Emily Rose Thompson (privately).


Jan.6th.-Quota to Diocesan Fund198
"13th.-Church Expenses1106