The Vicarage,
January 7th, 1929.

My Dear Friends, -

With this number of the Magazine (I a sorry that it will be so late in reaching you) we start a fresh volume. You will find enclosed in it through the year a new leaflet which is being published called "Canterbury Diocesan Notes."

The object of this leaflet is to keep the parishes in touch with what is going on in the Diocese. I hope it will be read with interest. We must not forget the financial help we receive from the tradesmen who insert advertisements in our Magazine. Without these advertisements we could not pay our way at 2d. a copy, and we ought to bear this in mind when we do our shopping so that those who advertise may feel that it is worth their while to do so.

With this number you will receive, as usual, a pretty card presented by the publishers of "Home Words," and also the "Hartlip Church Kalendar for 1929." Both will, I think, be liked.

Once again we set out on a New Year thanking God for all the blessings of the past, and trusting Him for the future. May it be a Very Happy New Year to you all!

It was good to see so many at Church on Christmas Day. I think the number of Communicants (73) was the largest we have had at this Festival. Those who were present at the special Carol Service on December 23rd, or at evensong on December 30th will agree with me that our choir sang the carols particularly well, and I am sure the congregation appreciated having the nicely arranged copies of the words. We thank Mr. Southgate for much time and care given to printing them. To him and to Mr. Lilwall we owe much in connection with the music of the Church.

I should like, on behalf of the choir boys, to again thank parishioners for their generous response to the collection the boys made when they went round singing carols. This recognition of their services is an encouragement to them.

After Christmas came treats and other festivities with a rush. On December 27th the members of the Women's Meeting were entertained in the Schoolroom, and on the 29th the members and candidates of the G.F.S. had a party. Both gatherings were very happy ones. The Sunday School children had their treat on the 31st, and a fine time they spent. Over fifty sat down to tea, but we were sorry that several were hindered from being present by sickness or other causes. After some games the prizes were distributed, and then we had a Christmas tree with a present for each child, and all went home happily laden with gifts and oranges and cake.

The Fancy Dress Dance on the 28th, organised

by the British Legion on behalf of the Parish Hall Fund, was a huge success, and all who threw themselves so heartily into it are to be congratulated on the result of their efforts, and thanked for the pleasant evening, and the large sum made for the fund. The numerous fancy dresses of the ladies gave the judges a hard task.

The Sale of Work arranged by the members of the G.F.S. on November 28th attracted quite a large number of people, as Mrs. Locke most kindly allowed it to be held at Dane House. The taking amounted to £16/18/7, and after deducting some expenses £15/5/3 was handed over to the Parish Hall Fund.

Gardeners should be interested in the three lectures on Cottage Gardening to be given in the Schoolroom on Tuesdays, January 8th, 15th, and 22nd, at 7 p.m. The lectures should be well attended. No charge will be made for admission to them.

Mr. W. P. Wright, the Horticultural Superintendent of the Kent Education Committee has sent a most pleasing report on the work done by tht boys in the school garden. It is too long to give in full, but I may quote from it. "On the occasion of an early visit such early crops as pea, broad beans, turnips, lettuces, and some varieties of potatoes were excellent, while onions and roots generally were promising. Later the main crop potatoes, greens, beet, parsnips, onions, and tomatoes were equally good. A small fruit plot has been established. Flowers will be grown next year. The garden was kept in admirable order throughout the season." This work should be of a real help to the boys.

I remain,

Your sincere Friend and Vicar,


Dec. 2nd - Kenneth, son of Frederick Charle and Mildred Elsie Gilbert


Dec. 25th - Thomas Percy Apps and Violet Emily Wraught.


Nov.30-Vicar's Fund010
"9-Church Expenses0156
"9-Quota to Diocesan Fund087
"16-Church Expenses1113
"23-Sunday School Fund2310
"25-Sick and Needy2165
"30-Organ and Choir Fund1199