Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
December 1928 : page 2 (of 2)
The Vicarage,
November 28th, 1928.
My dear Friends, -
The Churchyard Committee met on November 27th, and received the money from the house-to-house collection. This came to £8/17/6¾. In addition to this some subscriptions have been sent in to me, and I hope a few more will come in. The account now stands £18 in credit so we shall be able to carry on nicely for the coming year. The thanks of the Committee were given to Mr. Luck for all his work for and interest in the Churchyard, and to the collectors. It was felt that we ought now to make an effort to do a job which has been talked about for a long time the building of a wall on the south side of the new ground. We have in hand £17/0/7 for this purpose. It was left to a small sub-committee to make enquiries as to flints, and to get estimates for the building. In spite of the pressing call for funds for the Parish Hall, we must try to raise what is necessary for this Churchyard improvement.
The Church Council also met on November 27th, and there was a good attendance. A letter was read appealing for help from the parish for the Sittingbourne Branch of the Diocesan Rescue and Preventive Association. Miss Faussett-Osborne, as the representative for the parish, said she would be pleased to receive subscriptions, and it is hoped that we may do more than we have done to help this sadly needed work. The chief subject for discussion was the Dilapidations Fund of the Benefice. An answer had to be given to a request made by the Diocesan Dilapidations Board that the Council would undertake to find the whole or a part of the annual charge that is to be made upon the Benefice for the upkeep and insurance of the property of the benefice. This, it is understood, will be £38/17/0. I felt it to be my duty as the incumbent of the parish to put before the Council a full statement of the financial position. It is very unpleasant to have to speak publicly about matters that touch ones own pocket, and I asked that the question might be discussed without considering me personally. To parishes generally throughout the country, where the income of the Benefices is small, the request is being made that the Church Councils will take over as much as they can of the cost of "dilapidations." It has to be remembered that in very many parishes (Hartlip amongst them) the income of the Benefice is not sufficient to justify a clergyman with a family in undertaking the responsibilities of it unless he has private means, and a parish seems generally to wish to have a Vicar with a wife! Often a so-
called "living remains vacant till a man who can afford to go to it can be found. Now this request that is being sent to Church Councils is that the people of the parishes concerned will do what they can to take over this financial responsibility and so do something to make the position easier. I should have been wrong if I had shirked dealing fully with this matter as it concerns the welfare of the Church in this parish, and not only myself personally. After I had made my statement, Mrs. Creaton and I left the meeting, and the Vice-Chairman, Miss Faussett-Osborne, took the chair. I understand that it was decided that the preset method of giving the Easter offerings to the Dilapidations Fund should be continued, and that any request for support of the fund at Easter should be sent out with the backing of the Council.
Those who are organising the great Fancy Dress Dance to be given in the Schoolroom on December 28th are expecting a big crowd, and tickets should be bought before the day. It should be a particularly enjoyable evening, and bring in a large sum for the Parish Hall Fund.
On the Sunday before Christmas we are to have a special Carol Service in preparation for the Festival. As last year, members of the choir and of the congregation will read passages of Scripture. Carols will be sung also after Evensong on Decenrber 30th. The celebrations of the Holy Communicm on Christmas Day will be at 7 a.m., 8 a.m., and mid-day, and I trust that the Lord will have many joyful guests at His Table on His Birthday Festival.
I remain,
Your sincere Friend and Vicar,
The Poppy Day Collection in Hartlip, which was made under the energetic superintendence of Mr. Baxter, realised £5/11/10½. Our thanks are given to the ladies and gentlemen who kindly undertook the collecting: Miss B. Locke, Mrs. T. Harris, Miss G. Sedge, Miss G. Simmons, Mr. Southgate, Mr. S. D. Hollands, and Mr. Baxter. The total amount collected in the district (not including Church collection's and donations) was £318/2/10.
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£ | s. | d. | ||||
Nov. | 1 | - | Vicar's Fund | 0 | 1 | 6 |
" | 4 | - | Quota to Diocesan Fund | 1 | 8 | 3 |
" | 11 | - | Ex-Service Soldiers Fund | 2 | 17 | 4 |
" | 18 | - | Church Expenses | 1 | 12 | 4 |
" | 25 | - | Lebombo Mission | 1 | 9 | 7 |