The Vicarage,
October 31st, 1928.

My dear Friends,

As usual we had beautiful services at our Harvest Thanksgiving on October 7th. It was good to see the large congregation at the evening service. One can only wish that all those who were present then to praise God for His mercies, would try to come often to His House to join with their brethren in public worship. For the decoration of the Church we had a nice quantity of fruit, etc., this year. Our thanks are given to those who sent it, and to the ladies who did the decorating. The things were gratefully received at the Keycol Hill Hospital, as were also the 46 eggs (a large number for the time of year) brought by the children to their special service.

I don't know whether it is known to all that we have a programme of music after Evensong on each 5th Sunday in the month. On September 30th, which was our Patronal Festival, we had quite a good number present, and we enjoyed the tenor solo by Mr. Goad, and the "bass clarionette" solo, and the organ solos. The next 5th Sunday (December 30th) we shall be singing carols.

The amount contributed to the "Tribute" to the Archbishop from our parish was £4/8/7, and forty-two names were on the list sent up. A large sum of money was not asked for or desired, but we have joined in the tribute to our Bishop, which has been made throughout the Diocese, and to the great Archbishop, whose work for Church and gate the whole country is recognising.

St. Andrewstide is everywhere observed as the great time of Intercession for Foreign Missions, and we want to make Sundays, November 25th and December 2nd, days of special prayer, for this work of the Church. Will you try to be present at, at least, one of the services on both of these Sundays? I would particularly invite all our communicants to come to the 8 a.m. celebration on December 2nd. The collections on November 25th will be for the Lebombo Mission, and on December 2nd for the Society for the Propagaion of the Gospel.

I remain,

Your sincere Friend and Vicar,


As this fails on a Sunday this year we shall begin Mattins at 10.45, and observe the "Great Silence" in the Church at 11 o'clock. There will be two celebrations of the Holy Communion on this day at 8 a.m. and mid-day. I hope many of our people will wish to be at the Church's great Service of Remembrance to there plead the greatest sacrifice ever made before the Throne of Grace. In the evening we shall have, as in former years, a special Armistice Service at 6.30, when we hope to see the members of the British Legion present sent in force, and sitting together, as well as a big gathering of other parishioners. The collections this year will be sent to the Local Remembrance Day Fund, instead of to the British Legion Headquarters in London.

May I quote from a letter which appeared in the "Times" a short time back. It may be helpful. "The observance of the Two Minutes' Silence is growing, and yet there is no unanimity of petition. People do not quite know what to do with the time of silence. We suggest that during the two minutes' interval the following prayers should be said silently by all.

(1) O God, bless all those who died, and all who suffered in the Great War. (Three times).
(2) O God, teach us to abolish war through brothhood. (Three times).
(3) Our Father, etc."

I need hardly say that as the silence should be observed by all, wherever they may be, all should offer prayer in it.


The members of the G.F.S. are having a small Sale of Work with competitions, etc., on Wednesday, November 28th. Mrs. Locke is kindly allowing the sale to be at Dane House. It will be opened at three o'clock. The proceeds will be given to the Parish Hall Fund.


Sept.30th-Organ and Choir Fund1154
Oct.7th-St. Bartholomew's Hospital5157
"14th-Quota to Diocesan Fund1112
"21st-St. Luke's Hostel1173
"28th-Church Expenses1130