The Vicarage,
March 2nd, 1928.

My dear Friends, -

The Whist Drive and Dance which was held to make a start in raising funds for a Parish Hall showed what can be done by a pull all together. Thanks to the efforts of those who organised this evening's entertainment, and to those who provided the prizes, the refreshments and the music all free of charge, the splendid sum of £18 was raised for the funds. I understand that some donations to the fund have also been given, and that soon the whole question of a Parish Hall is to be gone into. To do the thing properly will mean a big effort, but the keenness which has been shown already makes it clear that the need for a hall is felt, and that the parish is prepared to make the effort.

A meeting of the, Church Council was held on Wednesday, February 22nd, to make the annual revision of the Parochial Roll. In my absence the chair was taken by the Vice-Chairman, Miss Faussett-Osborne. There was some misunderstanding at the meeting as to the exact qualification of persons entitled to be upon the Electoral Roll, but a mistake (according to the strict letter of the law) which was made, has now been put right. A copy of the Roll has to placed on or near the Church door after the revision so that anyone may inspect it. It will be found there during the next two or three weeks. New names may be added to it up to fourteen days before the Annual Church Meeting.

It may be of interest if I give a few extracts from the rules which govern the Roll:-

"1. - In every parish a roll of electors shall be formed, on which persons claiming to be qualified electors in the parish shall, if their claim is allowed, be entered; and they shall remain on the roll so long as their title to be qualified electors in the parish continues.

"2. - Qualified electors in a parish are the following lay members of the Church of England :-

"Persons of 18 years of age and upwards of either sex resident in the parish, who -
"(a) are baptised and declare that they are members of the Church of England, and that they do not belong to any religious body which is not in communion with the Church of England;
"(b) have signed the declaration set forth in the First Schedule to these rules, and
"(c) are not entered as non-resident electors on the electoral roll of another parish."

There are special rules which apply to. "nonresident" electors, i.e., those who do not live in the parish.

Of course the object of the Electoral Roll is to give all those who belong to the Church the opportunity of sharing in the affairs of the Church by attending the Church Meetings, and electing the Church Council, etc. This is their legal right and it can only be regretted when anyone has claimed (by signing the form) to be placed on the Roll, and then takes no part in the worship or the government of the Church.

On Thursday, April 12th, members of the Mothers' Union and the G.F.S. are combining to give an entertainment in the School in aid of their respective funds. More will be said about this next month, but I am asked to make this preliminary announcement as many will be interested in it.

The first of the Special Lent Services, on Tuesday, February 28th, was well attended, and I feel sure that those who were present will wish to hear all Dr. Jones' addresses. Some perhaps were unavoidably absent on the 28th. We missed them but hope to see them on the other Tuesdays at 7.30.

I remain,

Your sincere Friend and Vicar,


Feb. 26th. - John Percival Sydney, son of John Henry and Edith May Hunt.

Feb. 26th. - Constance Sheila, daughter of Charles Alfred and Winnie Grinsted.


Jan. 12th. - Walter Brewer, aged 76 years.


Jan.8th.-Quota to Diocesan Fund1156
Jan.12th.-Vicar's Fund020
Jan.15th.-Church Expenses176
Jan.22nd.-Church Expenses1130
Jan.29th.-Organ and Choir Fund1111
Feb.5th.-Quota to Diocesan Fund221
Feb.12th.-Church Expenses149
Feb.19th.-Church Expenses1138
Feb.26th.-Church Expenses1133