The Vicarage,
January 31st, 1928.

My Dear Friends, -

With last month's Magazine you received the "Church Assembly Notes." This leaflet comes out monthly, and I have ordered copies for our Magazine up to June. If they are found interesting they will be continued to the end of the year. The idea is to give people some short account of what is being done by our Central Church Parliament. I hope the leaflets will be read.

The Hospital House-to-house Collection amounted to £5/13/3. This is rather less than last year, but I am afraid it was made at an inconvenient time. Our thanks are given to the ladies (Mrs. Friar, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. H. Pepper, and Miss Goldsmith) for kindly undertaking this work on behalf of the parish.

The Sunday School Treat, which was held on January 3rd, was a delightful evening, and 53 children sat down to tea. After tea and games the prizes were presented by Miss Faussett-Osborne. A pretty surprise came at the end, when a Fairy Grotto was displayed, which had been kindly prepared by Mrs. and Miss Sedge. Father Christmas was introduced, and announced that all his presents had been handed over to the Fairies, and a Witch then called upon the Christmas Fairy to look for the presents in the wood, and one for each child was found. Thanks and cheers were given to the many helpers at the treat, and to Mrs. Rainey, who kindly gave oranges and sweets.

I hear great things of the Whist Drive and Dance organised by the Cricket Club, and that all concerned are to be congratulated on another capital evening.

I much regret that I was unable to be at the important and well-attended meeting which was held in the Schoolroom on January 27th, but I heartily join in the thanks conveyed to Mrs. Denson and her family for the handsome gift of a billiard table and fittings. I understand the meeting was unanimous in feeling the wisdom of having certain ex-officio Trustees to represent the parish for this gift. It is obvious that some provision must be made for a permanent place for the billiard table, but exactly what is best to be done cannot, of course, be decided hastily. It is good to hear of so much keenness in the matter, and we must try to do something worthy of our village. I hear a start in raising funds has already been made, and that a Whist Drive and Dance (with nearly everything given) is to be held for this object on February 17th, the Band Concert having been postponed till April 20th.

The first of the Special Lent Services will be on Tuesday, Feb. 28th, at 7.30 p.m., when the Rev. Dr. Arthur Jones will begin his course of addresses. We look forward to our usual large and regular congregations at these week-night services in Lent. Details as to other arrangements for Lent will be announced in Church, and put on the Notice Board.

Many will be interested to see condensed statement of accounts of the Hartlip Sub-Branch of the British Legion. The Secretary and others concerned, are to be congratulated on the financial position.

May I express here my regret that illness is again keeping me from active part in the the Church and parish life, but the doctor is quite definite in saying that after this second attack of influenza and bronchitis I must try to get thoroughly strong again before resuming any regular work.

I remain,

Your sincere Friend and Vicar,



Balance in hand 1926648
Whist Drive and Dance, Churchyard Wall Fund9210
22 accompained British Legion to Sevenoaks5100
Proceeds from Concert159
Proceeds from Whist Drives and Dances3170
Subscriptions and Badges446
Band and Car1150
Agricultural Show, Sevenoaks800
Rev. D. H. Creaton - Churchyard Wall Fund340
School and Crockery2180
Whist Drive Prizes164
500 Tickets, 16 Packets Playing and 200 Whist Cards136
Headquarters and Affliliation Cards136
Caretaker and Cartage106
Cottage Gardeners' Association0100
Cash in hand154

Audited and found correct - W. H. LUCK,

January 9th, 1928.

L. BAXTER, Hon. Sec.