The Vicarage,
March 27th, 1928.

My dear Friends, -

We are grateful to Dr. Jones for coming to speak to us at our special services this Lent, and the large congregations week by week have shown how much his addresses have been appreciated. The arrangements for services in Holy Week are printed below. On Good Friday evening we are having the cantata, "Is it nothing to you,' and other sacred music which our choir has been practicing for some time. Confirmed members of the Church will, of course, be looking forward to coming to the Lord's Own Service at the Great Festival of His Resurrection, and the three celebrations of the Holy Communion should give everyone the opportunity of doing so. Nothing but illness or other grave cause should keep any earnest Christian away.

The "Hartlip Parish Trustees" (so styled for want of a better name!) met on March 8th, and co-opted Mr. A. Hales to be a Trustee, and appointed Mr. Luck as Treasurer, and Mr. R. Savage as Secretary, and these three gentlemen have kindly consented to serve. It was decided to invite various organisations in the parish to each nominate one of their members whom the Trustees might ask to join them in their work, and discuss with them the launching of a scheme for a Parish Hall. A thoroughly repreentative Committee will thus be formed to deal with this important matter in which the parish is so keenly interested. Colonel Locke read a letter he had received from Mr. Gerald Denson, in which he said how much Mrs. Denson appreciated the kind references made to her, and to the late Mr. Denson at the parish meeting. The letter concluded "We were interested to hear of the proposal regarding a Village Hall, and we should like, if we may be allowed to do so, to contribute towards its erection when your plans are more advanced." We, are grateful for, and much encouraged by, this generous promise of help from a family Hartlip already owes so much to.

The entertainment to be given by the members of the Mothers' Union and the members and candidates of the Girls' Friendly Society on Thursday, April 12th, in the Schoolroom, at 7.30, and the Band Concert on Friday, April 20th, should both draw large audiences, and bring in needed funds. We all enjoy hearing the talent of our village; and gladly do our bit to "support home industries."

Quite a fair number of electors attended the Annual Church Meeting on March 26th. The Hon. Secretary, Mr. S. D. Hollands, gave an account of the doings of the Council in the past year, and presented the Electoral Roll, which now has 166 names upon it. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to him for his services. The Council's accounts were presented, and clearly explained by Colonel Locke. They show a satisfactory balance, but, as

the Treasurer said, we shall have calls this duiring the current year. We expressed our great appreciation of all the work done by Colonel Locke in connection with these accounts. A printed copy of these and other accounts will be found in each Magazine.

It was my privilege and pleasure to voice the feelings of the Church people of the parish in saying how much we owe to all the officers of the Church for the kindly way in which their duties are carried out. It is not every village that can boast of a body of Church helpers such as ours (Churchwardens, Sidesmen, Organist, Choirmaster and Choir, Bellringers, Sunday School Teachers, Church Councillors, Verger, etc.) or of a Church in such beautiful order and so nicely kept.

Mr. S. D. Hollands, Mr. W. Miles, and Miss Faussett-Osborne were elected to represent the parish on the Ruri-decanal Conference, with Colonel Locke ex-officio.

The whole of the old members of the Council were re-elected (except Mr. Flack and Mr. Musselwhite, who felt unable to accept nomination again) and Miss Barbara Locke, Mrs. Simmons, and Mr. R. Savage were added.

All the old Sidesmen were appointed to serve again, and Messrs. H. Twort, R. Savage, and T. Harris were also elected to this office.

I remain,

Your sincere Friend and Vicar,


Palm Sunday. - Usual Sunday services.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. - 11 a.m., Mattins with the Epistle and Gospel.

Maundy Thursday. - 8 a.m., Holy Communion. 11 a.m., Mattins with the Epistle and Gospel.

Good Friday. - 11 a.m., Mattins, Ante-Communion Service and Sermon. 2 p.m., Children's Service. 7.30 p.m., Sacred Music.

Saturday. - 8 a.m., Mattins with the Epistle and Gospel.


Holy Communion at 7 a.m., 8 a.m., and mid-day


March 10th. - Albert Edwin Mason and Sarah Ellen Sturdgess.

March 24th. - Albert William Henry Garlinge and Alice Florence Bowles.


March4th.-Quota to Diocesan Fund1142
March11th.-Church Expenses192
March18th.-Church Expenses1161
March25th.-Church Expenses1192