The Vicarage,
October 4th, 1927.

My Dear Friends,

It has been very interesting to spend a holiday on one of the most historical spots in England, within the walls of the old Roman fortification at Reculver, which was built by them, about 300 A.D., to guard the entrace on the North of the Channel which then made Thanet an island. While we were there a well-known archeologist was excavating-part of the ground and bringing to light many evidences of the Roman occupation, pottery, tiles, coins, foundations of buildings, etc. By such work, carried on in connection wide the study of old written records, the history of our county and our country is built up. The Saxons built a Church at Reculver in the 7th century and the foundations of this Church and part of the walls are still to be seen. The two towers which are such a prominent land-mark and sea-mark between Herne Bay and Birchington are the remains of a fine Church which was built much later and which was pulled down about 120 years ago to save it from falling into the sea. What a pity that this beautiful building was not left and protected by the wall which was afterwards made to save the towers!

As the wet weather has so sadly delayed the getting-in of the corn we felt it wise to postpone our Harvest Thanksgiving Services till Sunday, October 16th. There will be Celebrations of the Holy Communion on this Sunday at 7 a.m., 8 a.m. and mid-day, and a Special Children's Service at 3 p.m. We hope for many gifts of fruit, vegetables, and flowers for the decoration of the Church and large congregations at the Services.

It was very trying for those who take such an interest in, and work so hard for our Gardeners' Association to have another wet day for the Gift Show for the Hospitals on October, 1st. By holding it in the grounds of Dane House, by Col. Locke's kind permission, and having additional attractions it was intended to make a rather bigger thing of it than usual this year but, of course, the rain made the attendance small. A nice lot of fruit, etc., was sent to be sold, and the cheery auctioneer got spirited bidding and good prices from those who were at the Sale.

The Concert arranged by the British Legion on September 9th, did not draw a large audience, I understand, though the Concert was a good one. Perhaps it was rather early in the season for an indoor entertainment, and no doubt hop-picking interfered.

For the Legion Whist Drive and Dance on the 30th, quite a good number turned up and an enjoyable evening was spent, and the way in which things were arranged should bring many to the other Legion of evenings on Oct. 28th, Nov. 25th, and Dec. 30th.

Towards the end of this Month the House-to-House Collection for S. Bartholomew's Hospital, Rochester is to be made. It is not necessary for me to say how much we owe to this Hospital and how greatly it needs our support. You will respond liberally to this annual appeal, and let the envelopes, which the collectors will kindly distribute, be well filled.

I remain,

Your sincere friend and Vicar,

The Women's Meeting will be resumed in the Club Room on Thursday, October 13th at 2.30 p.m. All old members and any new ones will be heartily welcomed.

Extracts from the Registers.


Sept. 4 - Bessie, daughter of James Edward and Bessie Smith.

  "   4 - Doreen Violet, daughter of James Edward and Bessie Smith.


Aug.28-Church Expenses1135
Sept.4-Quota to Diocesan Fund229
"11-Church Expenses181
"18-Church Expenses1810
"25-Church Expenses1116
Oct.2-Quota to Diocesan Fund1141