The Vicarage,
22nd August, 1927.

My Dear Friends,

It has been decided that the lower part of the piece of ground on the North side of the public footpath in the new Churchyard shall be set apart as a "Children's Corner." This provides for 8 rows of graves with 5 in a row. Each grave space is to be 5ft. 7ins. long by 3ft. wide, and graves will be dug 5ft. 6ins. deep. For burials in the "Children's Corner" no definite age can be fixed, but coffins must not exceed 4ft. 6ins. long, 1ft. 10ins. wide, and 1ft. deep. The fees (subject to the approval of the Church Council) will be - Bell 2/0, Clerk 3/0, Sexton 2/6, Vicar 4/0, Digging Grave, 16/0. Total £1/7/6.

In making arrangements for burials in the new part of the Churchyard we are trying to make sure that, if in years to come the ground is opened again, the remains of those first laid to rest there shall not be disturbed. In cases of very young children we may be able (if the relatives wish) safely to dig small graves in the old part of the Churchyard. I am sure that this arrangement for a "Children's Corner" will meet with the hearty approval of the parishioners. The Committee wish to call attention to the rule that was made some time ago that no artificial flowers may be placed on the graves.

In order to avoid as far as possible, the clashing of social fixtures during the coming winter, Mr. Baxter, as Secretary of the British. Legion, has approached various organisations in the parish. The following dates have been booked for Whist Drives, etc., in the Schoolroom. By the British Legion, Sept. 30th, Oct. 28th, Nov. 25th, and Dec. 30th. By the Bowls Club, Dec. 9th. By the Cricket Club, Jan. 13th. By the Gardeners' Association, Feb. 3rd. By the Band, Feb. 17th. By the Vicar, Jan. 27th. These entertainments should give us some pleasant social gatherings and we look forward to all of them being well attended.

Mr. Southgate's account of The School Savings Association will be read with interest. He is to be thanked for his interest in this, on behalf of the children, and parents will do well in encouraging their children to join.

The Harvest Thanksgiving will be held in the Church on the first Sunday in October. We shall be glad to have fruit, vegetables and flowers for the decorations from many people that they may take a part in offering to God of the gifts He has given as a token of their thankfulness to Him. I mention this now as the October Magazine may be a little late. I expect to be away from home till nearly the end of September. My place will be taken by the Rev. A. E. Ball, and I am sure you will welcome him at Hartlip again.

What a day of persistent rain we had for the Gardeners' Show, on Saturday, August 20th! We sympathised with those who had taken so much trouble over the Show, for, of course, the wet kept many people away, and it was impossible to do much with side shows. However, we carried on cheerfully and all did their best to make things go under difficult circumstances. At the lunch, after the judging, the judges spoke highly of the quality of the exhibits, and said how keen the competition was. Those who braved the weather and came to the show, saw what Hartlip gardeners can turn out even in a trying season for gardening.

Your sincere friend and Vicar,


The above branch of the National Savings Association has now completed its third year, and up to date a sum of just over £100 has been invested in Savings Certificates. The number of members is 16, exactly one-fifth of the total number of children in the School. I should very much like to see a goodly number of the remaining four-fifths enrolled as members. In putting by a small sum, week by week, the children are not only encouraged in the habit of thrift but they are providing a valuable "nest egg" for later years. There is no safer investment in the world than the Savings Certificate. It has the guarantee of the British Government, and, after short notice, may be cashed at any time, if necessary. Further information will gladly be given and new members welcomed.

R. C. J. SOUTHGATE (Hon. Sec).

Extracts from the Registers.


Aug. 14th - Stanley George Alfred, son of George and Gladys Avard.

Collections in the Church.

July31st.-Organ and Choir Fund£221
Aug.7th.-Quota to Diocesan Fund£210
14th.-Church Expenses£11410