The Vicarage,
June 29th, 1927.

My dear friends,

The results of the Girls' Friendly Society Members' and Candidates' Competitions have now been received and again Hartlip takes a high place in the Diocese. We are always pleased when our young people distinguish themselves, and we congratulate those who have so well in these Competitions. The results are as follows:-

Members:- Team Knitting, 1st in Diocese (Lily. Simmons, Nora Philpot, May Philpot); Raffia Work, 1st in Diocese (Lily Simmons), Highly Commended (May Philpot); Contralto Solo, 1st in Diocese (Gladys Sedge); Smocking, Commended (Gladys Sedge).

Candidates:- Action Songs, 1st in Diocese (Team of 10); Recitation (over 11), 1st in Diocese (Gladys Hollands), 2nd in Diocese (Margaret Friar); Recitation (under 11), 1st in Diocese (Ruth Creaton); Raffia work, Highly Commended (Gladys Hollands and Marjorie Whitehead); Dramatic, 2nd in Diocese (Winnie Philpot, Gladys Hollands, Margaret Friar).

Quite a number of grown-ups came to the beautiful Flower Service on Whit-Sunday. I am sure that they liked to be with the children and we were glad to see them. May I give a hearty invitation to parents to come to the Children's Services on the first Sunday in the month? We sent to the Keycol hill Hospital a mass of flowers and 101 eggs and we thank Mr. E. T. Friar for taking them and Mr. Savage for lending his car.

The Members of our Women's Meeting had a nice day at Margate on June 15th. Two motor loads set off at 7 a.m. and arrived back about 9.30 p.m. The day was fine, but rather cold, and wraps were needed for the long drive. The party met for tea at the Marine Hotel. Those who went on this Outing seem to have thoroughly enjoyed themselves. I was sorry not to take part in it, myself but an important meeting at Canterbury made it impossible for me to do so.

On, behalf of the children of our Sunday School I wish to thank all who subscribed towards the expenses of their day at the sea-side, and also the Committee who kindly undertook the collection. The response to the appeal was most encouraging to all of us who have to do with the School. It will be seen by the Balance Sheet which is printed below, that £9/10/0 was collected, and that, after giving the children a first-rate treat, we are able to put away £3/12/8 in a Sunday School Treat Fund to be used on a future occasion.

The Committee decided that the best Outing we could give the children this year would be to take them by train to Sheerness, and events proved the

wisdom of the decision, for we could not have had a better treat than we had on June 28th. As the cost of travelling was small we were able to give fruit and rock at lunch time and prizes for sports in the afternoon, and to each one a ride in the boats on the pool. We were fortunate in the weather and had only a few short showers of rain till about 6.30, when we made our way to the Station. People at home seem to have thought we were having a soaking! We were much indebted to Col. Locke, Mr. Stevens and Mr. Webb for use of conveyances to take us to and from Newington, and also to Mr. Cryer and the others who drove Us.

We hope to have a Rummage Sale in the Vicarage garden on Friday, July 22nd, and we shall be grateful for any contributions for it. There will be also a stall of new goods, and cups of tea (1d.) and cake (1d.) will be provided. The proceeds will be given to parish funds.

I remain,

Your sincere friend and Vicar,


Balance Sheet

S.R. Fares (48 at 7½., 3 at 1/3)139
Bananas and Sweets140
Prizes for Sports155
Teas (74 at 9d.) and Hire of Hall306
Balance to S.S. Treat Fund312
By Subscription9100
Fares for rail (3 at 1/3, 1 at 7½)4
Payments for Teas (25)189


May1-Quota to Diocesan Fund2108
"8-Church Expenses2110
"26-Vicar's Fund34
"29-National Society11111
June5-Organ and Choir Fund375
"7,14,29 - Vicar's Fund34
"12-Church Expenses11111