The Vicarage,
October 1st, 1925.

My Dear Friends,-

I put off writing the Magazine, hoping to say something about the ceremony which was to have taken place to-day, but yesterday I had a telegram from the Bishop to say that the Bishop of Dover was in bed, and he must regretfully postpone the consecration of the addition to our Churchyard. We are very sorry to hear of the Bishop's illness, and, of course, it is a great disappointment to us to have to put everything off, especially so near to the time. However, this can't be helped, and we must now look forward to hearing when another date can be arranged for the ceremony. Notices will be sent out when the date is fixed.

All subscribers to the Churchyard Enlargement and improvement Fund will have had a copy of the Balance Sheet, and it is printed for a record in this month's Magazine. It shows that there is a debt on this fund of £37/6/1, but when we consider the work that has been done in the old ground, and all that we have had to do to get the new ground into a thoroughly satisfactory state, we must congratulate ourselves that the debt is not larger than it is. I feel sure that we shall all do our best to clear off the outstanding amount as soon as possible. An effort to reduce it is to be made on Wednesday, October 7th, when a Great Rummage Sale is to be held in the Club Room. There will be clothes, furniture, carpets, etc., etc., to be sold, and we shall be glad to have anything more to add to the stock. Please send to the Vicarage before the day, or to the Club Room on the morning. We shall want plenty of purchasers of the bargains with full pockets!

There was a splendid response to the appeal for the Churchyard Upkeep Fund. The collection realised £24/7/6, and we have 84 subscriptions on the list. The Committee have decided to keep all this money in the Upkeep Fund for the present, and therefore none of it has been transferred to the Enlargement Fund. In the spring we may have to buy a new lawn mower, and money will have to be spent on the paths, and, of course, we shall have to carry on till the collection next July.

Another important house-to-house collection! That for St. Bartholomew's Hospital. I mentioned in last month's Magazine that this would be made about the end of October, and will you please expect the collectors round at that time? Last year we raised by this £10/17/11 (a record sum), and I hope we may do as well or better this year. It is a cause that appeals to us all.

Just before the holidays we had a pleasant little function in the school, when Mrs. Locke kindly distributed the prizes gained by the children at the Gardeners' Show, and Bibles to five children who had completed their education at the school. One boy, Ronald Friar, has left our school to take up a scholarship at the Rochester Junior Technical School. We congratulate him, and wish him success.

I remain,

Your Sincere Friend and Vicar,

The Women's Meeting will be restarted on Thursday, October 15th. We hope to see all the old members, and any new ones will be welcomed at the Club Room. The G.F.S. Candidates' Meetings will begin again at the Vicarage on Saturday, October 10th, at 2.30.



Dr. Balance3761
Mr. E. C. Pearcy - Labourers' wages7167
Mr. W. Pye - Engine for moving tree roots500
Messrs. Dunk and Moon - Repairing grave stones, etc1163
Messrs. T. and A. Brittenden - Building walls and erecting archway and shed61172
Mr. Akhurst - Levelling ground, etc.5156
Messrs. H. Filmer, Ltd. - Clover seed0136
Messrs. W. J. Parrett, Ltd. - printing circulars156
Diocesan Registrar - Fees380
Mr. E. C. Pearcy - Professional charges330
Cheque books034

The ground on the south side of the public footpath was given by the Vicar. Lieut.-Colonel R. G. E. Locke gave the ground on the north side of the path, and also paid for the spile fencing and a part of the flint wall.

We are indebted to Mr. E. C. Pearcy for superintending the whole of the work which has been done in the Churchyard, and preparing the plans, for only a nominal fee.

Audited and found correct, 17th September, 1925.
D. H. CREATON, H. H. HALES, Hon. Treasurers,

N.B. - This statement does NOT include Subscription to the Churchyard Upkeep Fund.



Sept. 27 - Richard Stuart, son of Wilfrid Stuart and Constance Muriel Stevens.


Aug. 29 - Frederick George Apps and Violet May Stearstree.

Aug. 29 - Alfred James Skinner and Edith Apps.


Aug.30-Organ and Choir Fund1186
Sept.6-Church Expenses11311
Sept.13-Quota to Diocesan Fund247
Sept.20-Church Expenses164
Sept.21 etc.-Vicar's Fund034
Sept.27-Church Expenses11111