Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
September 1925 : page 2 (of 2)
The Vicarage,
August 27th, 1925.
My Dear Friends,
I mentioned in the last Magazine that the Bishop of Dover had fixed Thursday, October 1st, as the date for the Consecration of the addition to our Churchyard. In a few days' time we are to have a meeting of the Committee to settle the hour for the service and other details connected with this important event, and due notice will be given about the arrangements. It is a ceremony which concerns the whole parish, and we hope that it will be made the occasion of a large gathering of the parishioners. We are now making the ground as tidy as possible for the consecration, but it is probable that we shall have to get in more soil before we can bring it all to a satisfactory level. When the Committee meets we should know the result of the collection for the upkeep of the Churchyard. From what I hear I think we shall find that the appeal has been well responded to.
In the midst of a spell of wet weather, we were fortunate in having a day with only one or two short showers for the Gardeners' Show in the grounds of Dane House, and this great event of the year was a pronounced success. The excellent show of vegetables, fruit, and flowers proved once again the keenness and capacity of Hartlip gardeners, and the Committee are to be congratulated on the result of their efforts. It was pleasing to have the children taking such a large part, and so thoroughly enjoying themselves. Their sports and their exhibition of paintings and wild flowers added much to the attractions of the show. I should like on their behalf to express their thanks to the members of the British Legion for giving them such a good time. As Mr. Bennett, from the East Kent Gazette, was present at the show taking copious notes, we shall no doubt see a full report of it in that paper.
We propose to have the annual house-to-house collection for St. Bartholomew's Hospital towards the end of October. I shall say more about it in next month's Magazine, but I mention it now to say that it has not been forgotten. For various reasons it has been put off till rather later than usual this year.
The Harvest Thanksgiving Services will be held in the Church on Sunday, October 4th. Will you please look forward to sending vegetables, fruit, and flowers to to be placed in God's House as an expression of gratitude to Him for His gifts of the fruits of the earth? Because the decorations at the Harvest Festival express this, I always feel that it is nice to have as many people as possible contributing to them. The things are sent to the hospital after the services, for the use of the sick.
Our Church Sunday School children had their Summer Treat on Friday, July 31st. Unfortunately the rain in the morning made it impossible for us to accept Mrs. Denson's kind invitation to Queendown Warren, and we had to have the tea in the Schoolroom. However, as the weather was fine in the evening, we were able to have a cricket match in the field, and sports and games in the playground, and the children thoroughly enjoyed their treat.
As hop picking will be in full swing when this number of the Magazine is being distributed, I fear it wi11 be necessary for many of the copies to be put under the doors, or elsewhere, but I hope they will all be found and read.
I remain,
Your Sincere Friend and Vicar,
The Annual General Meeting of the Club was held on Thursday, July 30th, when the accounts of last season were presented, and the officers for the coming season were elected. Lieut.-Colonel R. G. E. Locke was reelected President. Mr. Luck, Mr. H. Hales, Mrs Denson, Mr. R. Locke, Mr. S. Stevens, Lieut.Com. Garnier, and Lieut.-Com. Busbridge were elected as Vice-Presidents. Other officers chosen were Mr. C. Harriss, Captain; Mr. F. Branchett, Vice-Captain; and Mr. W. Long, Secretary and Treasurer. The balance sheet showed an improvement on last year, the receipts being £5/12/0; and the expenditure £2/13/7. The number of matches played last season was 18, and of these nine were won, seven lost, and two drawn. The Club scored 55 goals as against 42 by their opponents.
W. T. LONG, Hon. Sec.
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£ | s. | d. | ||||
Aug. | 2nd | - | Church Expenses | 2 | 0 | 8 |
Aug. | 9th | - | Quota to Diocesan Fund | 2 | 2 | 9 |
Aug. | 16st | - | Church Expenses | 2 | 0 | 5 |
Aug. | 23rd | - | Church Expenses | 1 | 8 | 6 |
Aug. | 24th | - | Vicar's Fund | 0 | 2 | 0 |