The Vicarage,
May 29th, 1925.

My Dear Friends,

With the exception of the Monday evening, the Special Services on the Diocesan Days of Intercession for the work of the Church in the Diocese, the Home Land and Beyond the Seas (Rogation Days, May 18th, 19th, 20th) were fairly well attended and we had about the same number as last year at the Rogation Service in the Churchyard on the Tuesday. As the authorities have arranged that the Rogation Days shall be kept in all the parishes with special reference to the work of the Church, we cannot now get visitors from other parishes to our open-air service and it may be well for us to consider next year some plan for combining in one service the intercession for the crops and for the work of the Church. Perhaps we could do this without interfering too much with the beautiful service which has been held in Hartlip for some years.

I was very pleased to have as many as sixteen Candidates to present for Confirmation at Stockbury on May 22nd, and to find that quite a number of their relations and friends were able to get up to the service to witness their Confirmation and to join in prayer for them. We thank Colonel Locke, Mr. Luck, and Mr. S. D. Hollands for their help in conveying the Candidates to and from Stockbury. The names of those Confirmed are - Cecil Frank Woodcock, Sidney Charles Bowles, George James Henry Mills, Edward Henry Baxter, William Henry Flack, Frank George Sage, Frederick Bernard Hales, Ernest Reginald Pepper, John Robert Corrin, Lilian Gertrude Munn, Irene Clarke, Mollie Kate Emily Carpenter Hales, May Philpott, Nora Lilian Philpott, Eleanor May Sage, Louise Hollands.

They are now admitted to the full privileges of the Church and are to come to their first Communion on Sunday, June 14th.

May I express the earnest hope that their parents and other relations and friends will be at the service to join with them in celebrating, in the Lord's Own appointed way, the Memorial of His Death, and in partaking of the Sacred Food of His Body and Blood?

It is such a help to the younger Members of the Church to feel that the older Members are interested in them, are praying for them and are keen to do what they can to make their Church life happy.

I am expecting to leave home for a few weeks holiday in the middle of June. With the approval of the Archbishop, the Rev. Canon Ardill, rector of Calry, in Ireland, is to be in charge of the Parish during my absence. I have not the pleasure yet of knowing Canon Ardill personally but, from all I have heard of him, I feel confident that his ministrations will be appreciated and I hope that he will enjoy his stay in our Village.

I remain,

Your Sincere Friend and Vicar,

Nineteen Lent Savings Boxes for the Waifs and Strays' Society were taken this year, and there were also two general boxes into which children who did not have boxes of their own put their contributions. The amount realised was £1/18/8.

The Managers have arranged that the School shall close on Friday, June 19th, for the summer holiday. It will re-open on Monday, July 6th.

Mothers' Union.

On Thursday, May 7th, a meeting for members the Mothers' Union, was held at Dane House, by kid invitation of Mrs. Locke, who presided at the meeting and in her opening remarks referred to the increase in the number of members, and expressed the hope that more young mothers would join.

Mrs. Lister, Diocesan Secretary, then gave a very helpful and interesting address on the objects of the Mothers' Union, which was much enjoyed by all present. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Locke kindly entertained the members to tea.

On Monday, May 18th, a party of 12 members went to the Deanery Festival, at Tunstall Church, where the Bishop of Dover gave a most inspiring address to about 300 members of the Mothers' Union. Mrs. Green, the presiding member, arranged for tea for the large party, some having it in the Memorial Hall, and others, including ourselves, in the Rectory garden.


Girls' Friendly Society.

In last month's magazine some account was given of the successes gained by Hartlip candidates in the Diocesan Competitions. We have since heard that in the essay competition, Annie Ward, gained 1st place in the diocese.


Extract from Register.


May 21st - Benjamin Kitchingham, aged 69 years.

Collections in Church.

May3rd-Church Expenses1150
"10th-Quota to Diocesan Fund1155
"17th-Church Expenses1190
"21st-Vicar's Fund020
"24th-Church Expenses1144