Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
May 1925 : page 2 (of 2)
The Vicarage,
May 4th, 1925.
My Dear Friends,
That I should be taken ill with another attack of the influenza in Holy Week and be obliged to give up many of the Services was a grief to me, but I was thankful that I could manage to take the celebrations of the Holy Communion on Easter morning, and so parishioners were not deprived of their Easter Communion. To get help on this day at short notice is almost out ofthe question, at any rate for the usual hours of service. I was very grateful for Mr. Webb's kind help on Easter Day evening and on the following Sunday and for Mr. Jacques' help on April 26th.
I was pleased to hear that the Chtirch was so well filled on Good Friday evening and that Stainer's "Crucifixion" was so well rendered by the choir.
The Easter Vestry Meeting was held on Thursday, April 16th, when Col. Locke presided. As I was unable to be present, I wrote to the Meeting nominating Col. Locke as Vicar's Warden and expressing my thanks for the large Easter Offerings for the Dilapidations Fund which amounted to £11/6/7. The parishioners elected Mr. S. D. Hollands as their Warden, and all will agree that no better choice could have been made. Mr. Hollands is a most regular attendant at the Services and keen and interested in all that belongs to the work of the Church. We regret that Sir William Haggard's health makes it impossible for him to carry out the Churchwarden's duties any longer.
The Concert given on April 24th, in connection with the Hartlip Branch of the British Legion was, I am told, excellently attended and went with that "swing" which we associate with the "Non-pessimists" and the collection was a good one. Mr. and Miss Withrington and others who were responsible, are to be thanked for their efforts.
It was followed very closely by the Concert which Mr. Lilwall kindly arranged in aid of the Choir Fund. At this also there was a very good attendance and those present were delighted with the entertainment provided. The paper tearing and conjuring of Mr. Childs and the singing of the "Versatile Quartette" were excellent, and we hope that Mr. Lilwall may be able to persuade his friends to come to us again and give us another treat. The Hartlip Band added much to the attraction of the Concert. We hope we may hear it again soon on the Vicarage Lawn.
The Bishop of Dover will hold a Corifirmation in Stockbury Church on Friday, May 29th, at 3 p.m. A number from our parish are to be confirmed and it will be nice if as many of their relations, and friend as possible will be present to witness their Confirmation and to join in prayer for them.
The. Rogation Days, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 18th, 19th, and 20th, are appointed as special Diocesan Days of Intercession. We are asked to make Monday a day of prayer for the Diocese, Tuesday a day of prayer for the Church at home and Wednesday a day of prayer for the Church throughout the world. I propose to have a Service on each of these days at 7.30 p.m., and on the Tuesday to begin with the Rogation Service in the Churchyard.
The Magazine will be very late this month, but I am sure you will understand the reason for this.
I remain,
Your Sincere Friend and Vicar,
P.S. Since writing the above I have heard that that date for the Confirmation has been changed from May 29th, to Friday, May 22nd.
Collections in Church.
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£ | s. | d. | ||||
March | 25th | - | Vicar's Fund | 1 | 6 | |
" | 29th | - | Organ and Choir Fund | 2 | 0 | 1 |
April | 5th | - | Church Expenses | 1 | 7 | 4 |
" | 12th | - | Easter Offerings | 11 | 6 | 7 |
" | 19th | - | Quota to Diocesan Fund | 1 | 9 | 4 |
" | 26th | - | Church Expenses | 1 | 5 | 8 |
Girls' Friendly Society.
A number of our G.F.S. candidates entered for the Diocesan Competitions this year. A party of twelve went to Canterbury on March 28th, to compete with other candidates of the Diocese in Folk-dancing and Singing, and obtained second place in both competitions. In handwork our candidates were very successful. One team of Seniors (Mollie Hales, May Philpott and Lily Simmons) gaining first place in the Diocese for raffia baskets, while in the same class, a Junior team (Ruby Hales, Ethel Pepper and Winnie Philpott) was commended. A cot-cover knitted by Louie Day, Maude Hughes and Rhoda Smith was also commended.