Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
July 1925 : page 2 (of 2)
Cananda Lodge
June 29th, 1925.
My Dear Friends,
I am writing this short letter for the magazine in the garden of the little bungalow we have taken at Tankerton. After the cold and dull weather of last week it is a treat to have sunshine and warmer air - although the wind is still in the north.
You will remember that I mentioned in a previous number of the magazine that the Churchyard Committee had decided that it would be well to appeal to the parishioners for funds for the upkeep of our Churchyard by an annual house-to-house collection to be made at the end of July. On June 11th the Committee met to make arrangements for the Collection this year and Mr. Withrington, the Hon. Sec., kindly undertook to get copies of of a letter which was drawn up printed, and to call a further meeting early in July. It is intended that the letter shall be delivered at each house about the middle of the month and that the collectors shall call for subscriptions during the last week.
The Committee send round this letter with every confidence that the people of the parish will gladly help in the work of keeping the Churchyard in good order. We are all delighted with the improvement that has already been made under the able superintendence of Mr. Luck.
I expect that many of you have seen what has recently been done in the new ground. Those who have not, should go and look at the wall and gateways into which have been built many stones which were at one time in tho Church, and the old archway which was the entrance to the Church porch. Most of these stones and the archway have been brought from Hartlip Place by the kind permission of Mr. Faussett-Osborne who felt (as we all do) that it was fitting that they should be returned to sacred ground.
The addition to the Churchyard is now nearly ready for Consecration and we hope that the Bishop of Dover will visit us in the Autumn to consecrate it.
The children brought a mass of beautiful flowers and 140 eggs to their Special Service on Whit Sunday afternoon and these were kindly taken after the Service to the Keycol Hospital by Mr. Friar in Mrs. Denson's car. A grateful letter of thanks for them was received from the Matron.
I wonder whether the Hartlip Cricket Club has been going from victory to victory during the past fortnight. Unfortunately my daily paper does not tell me!
I remain,
Your Sincere Friend and Vicar,
Girls' Friendly Society.
A party of thirteen went from Hartlip on June 11th to the Diocesan Jubilee Festival of the G.F.S. which was held at Canterbury. About 1,500 members and associates joined in the Festival. During the morning parties were taken over the Cathedral and S. Martin's Church. At 1.30 a procession was formed in the Dane John Gardens and this proceeded to the Cathedral when a very impressive service was held in the Nave and an address given by the Archdeacon of Canterbury. Tea was provided in the cloisters, after which the Central President, Lady Cunliffe, addressed the members and presented the certificates for 21 years' faithful membership. One of these certificates was gained by a Hartlip member - Florence Clout.