Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
January 1925 : page 2 (of 2)
The Vicarage,
January 2nd, 1925.
My Dear Friends,
I am sorry that the Magazine will be rather late in reaching you this month, but with the rush of Christmas etc., it has been difficult to get it out sooner. With this number is presented an Almanack for 1925, as well as some Picture Cards. I think both will be liked by our readers. The circulation of the Magazine in the past year has been excellent for it has been delivered at all the houses in the parish except six, and twelve copies go outside the parish each month. We have again to thank tradesmen who insert advertisements and I hope you bear in mind that, these help us considerably in paying our way.
December was a full and busy month. The Archbishop's visit on the 13th, was of course, a Red Letter day in the history of the Parish. I have not been able to find out when last an Archbishop paid an official visit to Hartlip, but it was certainly many years ago. Those who were present at the service were impressed by the solemnity and the dignity of it. A lengthy account appeared in the local paper, so there is no need for me to say more about it in the Magazine but I should like to place on record here what has been done in the Lady Chapel. (1) Sometime ago we lowered the floor in the western end 7 inches, so forming the step which is now at the Altar rails. The Sanctuary was then paved in Marble. (2) The East Window was formerly a Memorial to members of the Stunt family and the inscription which was upon it is to be put on a brass plate on the wall. The New Window is in memory of the late Mr. Denson and is a gift from the family. The work is by the well-known firm, Messrs E. C. Kempe and Co. It represents the Angel Gabriel announcing to the Virgin that she was to be the mother of the Saviour. On a banner over his head are the latin words (abbreviated). "Ave Maria Gratia Plena" ("Hail, Mary full of grace"). In the other light is St Mary and in a scroll over her head, "Ecce ancilla Doinini" ("Behold the handmaid of the Lord"). Underneath are the words, "The Angel Gabriel was sent from God - and the Virgin's name was Mary". Those who have not already done so, should spend a little time in the Chapel and look carefully at the details of this beautiful Window. (3) The Reredos is in memory of the late Mrs. Locke and the Priest's Desk in memory of the late Captain Harold Locke. They are the gifts of the family and are both made from valuable old oak. They are indeed beautiful additions to our Church. (4) The Altar Rails and the charming little Credence bracket are also of old oak. (5) New brass Candle Sticks, a brass Book Rest and a Book have been provided for the Altar and a Prayer Book for the Desk. (6) The Chapel has been furnislied throughout in blue (the correct colour for a Lady Chapel) with Altar Cover, Matting, and Kneelers. The Altar is a valuable table said to be nearly 300 years old. It was originally in the Vestry and painted! It has now been cleaned, some small repairs have been done to it and the top has been lengthened.
The work (except the Window, the Reredos and the Priest's Desk) is paid for out of a legacy left to the Vicar and the Churchwardena by Mr. Denson. We are indebted to Mr. E. C. Pearcy and Mr. George Geering of Sittingbourne for much valuable help and advice in connection with the work. We may well be proud of our beautiful
little Chapel and on behalf of myself and of the parish wish to express our thanks to those who have enable these improvements to our Church to be carried out to the glory of God and the beautifying of his Sanctuar. Let us remember that the Chapel is for use and what has been done in it should help to create an atmosphere of devotion for those who use it. Daily the public worship and prayer of the Church now goes on in it. How good it would be if parishioners would sometimes drop in as they pass for a few moments of private prayer in it.
On December 24th, the Children in the Day School had their prize distribution. The prizes this year we given for Standards VI. V. IV. by the Trustees and for Standards III. II. I by Sir Wm. Haggard. Mrs. Locke kindly attended and presented them and afterwards the children sang to us. Bibles were ready for nine boys an girls who left School during the year, but only five of these have been taken. The other four are at the Vicarage and can be had by those to whom they were allotted if they care to call for them.
For the Christmas Festival the Church was prettily decorated, but of the attendance at the services I cannot write with pleasure. It was, to me, sad to find so many of our Communicants absent on the Great Day from the Lord's Own Service.
The Children's play on Decembor 29th, was everything we could have wished it to be. The acting of the children and their reverence as they portrayed the sacred scenes connected with the Saviour's Birth was delightful to see, and the wrapt audience which filled the Schoolroom, entered thoroughly into the spirit of the play. Very nice the stage, draped in blue, the oriental dresses and the white-robed Angels looked with the powerful footlights. Under the superintendence of Mrs. Creaton and Miss Finnis, the children had been rehearsing for weeks but they were all repaid for their hard work. A collection at the door of £1/18/1 was a nice help to our Sunday School funds.
On the following day the Sunday School-Treat was held. A Christmas Tree with a present for each child, gifts of books, etc., in recognition of work done during the year and good attendance, oranges and sweets, games and of course a tea made up a very jolly evening.
Amongst other things, mention must be made of the Gardeners' Supper on December 20th. A good number sat down to the excellently cooked and nicely arranged meal and with some talking and music we spent a pleasent time. Hartlip's Gardeners' Association is a really live concern!
Now, in 1925, we turn to a new page with thanks to the Giver of all good things, for the blessings of the past and with prayer for forgiveness for its failures. In front the way lies hid. God knows what is in store for us and we trust the future to Him, just resolving that we will try to do His will.
And so, a Happy New Year to you all!
Your sincere Friend and Vicar,
We are all sorry to lose the services of Mr. Flack as Verger and School Caretaker. He is one who has done what he has undertaken, thoroughly and to the satisfaction of all. He is now in office as a Sidesman. We welcome to the parish Mr. Baxter and his family.