The Vicarage,
November, 27th, 1924.

My Dear Friends,

The Annual Commemoration of the close of the Great War and the special remembrance of those who gave their lives in it, was observed this year by us by impressive Services. It was good to see so many at the Church on the Sunday afternoon before Armistice Day, and at the Service at the War Memorial on November 11th, when the children of the school attended with their teachers and the Silence was observed.

Those who came to the Missionary Meeting in the Schoolroom on November 24th (quite a good gathering), appreciated the beautiful lantern slides illustrating the life in North India and the country there, which Mr. Douglas spoke about. May I repeat in the Magazine what I said at the Meeting about Missionary Boxes? At present only quite a few of our Church people take them, and I shall be very glad to issue many more. Will those who are willing to have them please let me know? To help in spreading the Gospel is the first duty of every Christian and we all ought to be taking our part in it. A box is a capital way of putting by a small sum at a time and of "taking care of the pence" for a good cause.

As the Day School had a fortnight's holiday at Easter to enable us to put the master's house in order for Mr. Southgate, and an extra, week owing to the late hop-picking, we can give only a week's holiday at Christmas. Perhaps it is not known to everyone that a School is obliged to be open at least 400 times in each year. Our School year ends on March 31st, and this year we shall be rather near the mark. The holiday will begin from December 24th, and the School will re-open on January 1st. On the afternoon of December 24th we shall have our usual prize-giving, etc., and we shall be pleased to see at it any parents of the children who like to come - at 3 o'clock.

In our Sunday School we begin a New Year on Advent Sunday, and we are making then an alteration in our organisation. The School will be divided into three departments instead of two only as hitherto, and I am sure that the children will appreciate and profit by the new arrangement. One can make a lesson more interesting and helpful if one has to teach only those of about the same age.

Just now our Sunday School children are busy practising (on week-days) a play and tableaux called "The Road to Bethlehem," which they are to give in the Schoolroom on the Monday or the Tuesday after Christmas. These "Bethlehem Tableaux" as they are called are performed in many places at Christmas time, and the object of them is to help those who take part in them and those who witness them, to enter more into the beautiful story of the Saviour's Birth. A hearty invitation is given to all to cone and see this performance. No charge will be made for admission, but a box will be held at the door and we shall be glad to have contributions towards the expenses of the play and of our Sunday School.

On Christmas Day the Celebrations of the Holy Communion will be at 7 a.m., 8 a.m., and Mid-day. May I express my earnest hope that Confirmed Members of the Church will not allow the many distractions of this busy time to keep them away from the Lord's Own Service at the Great Festival of His Incarnation?

I remain,

Your sincere Friend and Vicar,


Nov. 1 - Emily Margaret Haggard, aged 63 years.

Collections in Church.

Nov.1&11-Vicar's Fund069
"2-Church Funds11710
"9-Ex-Service Ordination Candidates' Fund2100
"16-Lebombo Mission273
"23-Quota to Diocesan Funds1154