The Vicarage,
September 29th, 1924.

My Dear Friends,

With the abundance of flowers, fruit, and vegetables the Church looked particularly nice at the Harvest Thanksgiving, on October 5th, and our thanks are given those who took such pains with the decorating, and to the many parishioners who sent the things for their to use. They were much appreciated at the Hospital, and I had a grateful letter of thanks from the Matron. For the brightness of Festivals at our Church we always owe much to our choir and bell-ringers. The large congregation at the evening service entered heartily into it, and altogether it was a bright and joyful Festival. The collection throughout the day amounted to £6/17/3. I must not omit to mention the children's gifts at their special Service which included 42 eggs - a large number for this time of the year.

The response to the appeal for the Hospital at the House-to-House collection was excellent; and I am told the amount was far larger than in any previous year. The Secretary in acknowledging my cheque for £10/17/11 said, "I need hardly say that the Committee are most grateful for this splendid collection. The generous increase over last year's amount is noted with much appreciation." Practically all the houses in the parish contributed, and we have to thank Mrs. Day, Mrs. Friar, and Mrs. Alexander for their kindness in acting as Collectors.

To be added to these amounts are the proceeds of the Gardeners' Association "Gift Show." It was a fine exhibition and as usual Mr. Miles made the most, in his cheery way, of the things that came under his hammer, and he was backed up by many generous and ready bidders. The sum realised was £15/11/8.

We can't do too much to help such a valuable institution as the Rochester Hospital, but we may be pleased that we have been able to raise in Hartlip £33 in the last two months.

At the Meeting held in the Club Room, on October 10th, those who were present (we should have liked to see more) decided that the money from the Sale of Work, £25/8/3, as shown in the September Magazine, should be apportioned as follows:-

To the Women's Meeting, £5/4/2. To the G.F.S. (proceeds of their Stall and the Candidates' Play), £4/3/1. To purchase chairs for Club Room, £10 (about). The balance to be given to the Churchyard Fund.

The Annual Festival of the Diocesan Branch of the Church of England Temperance Society held in our Rural Deanery, October 19th to 22nd, was pronounced to be one of the most successful of the Festivals, and I understand that altogether over £200 was raised for the Police Court Mission.

I should like to ask your particular attention to the announcement of some arrangements for November.

On "Armistice Sunday," November 9th, we are to have a Special Service in the Church at 3 p.m. It will be a similar Service to the one we had last year, and we hope to have at it again most of our ex-service men and a large congregation. On Armistice Day, November 11th, there will be a short Service at 10.50 a.m. and at 11 a.m. the two minutes' silence will be kept. If it is

fine this Service will be held at the War Memorial, but, if the weather is not suitable it will be in the Church. The School Children will attend this Service and we hope many others will spare a quarter-of-an-hour to come to it.

On Sunday, November 16th, the Sermon in the evening will be preached by Mr. Arthur Fyfe, the Secretary of the Lebombo Mission, and he will also speak to the children in the afternoon. The collections throughout the day will be for this Mission.

S. Andrew's tide is always observed by the Church as a special time of Intercession for Foreign Missions, and on Sunday, November 30th (S. Andrew's Day) our thoughts will be particularly about the spread of the Gospel in non-Christian lands. On the previous Monday, November 24th, there will be a Missionary Meeting in the Schoolroom at 7 p.m., when a Deputation from the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel is to speak to us. It is a long time since a Church Missionary Meeting was held in Hartlip, and I much hope that we shall have a large gathering at this one.

I remain,

Your sincere Friend and Vicar,

Collections in Church.

October5th-St. Bartholomew's Hospital6173
"12-Quota to Diocesan Funds1151
"18-Vicar's Fund030
"19-Police Court Mission399
"26-Quota to Diocesan Funds179

Women's Meeting - Balance Sheet
(1st October, 1923, to 30th September, 1924)

Members' Payments:-
  For Materials1917
    "  Remnants102
    "  Rent of Room0100
    "  Outing653
Gross Taking at Sales of Work966
Balance of Teas at Meetings0131
Money received for Outing on June 17th930
Thompson - 47 fares to Margate12186
Marina Hotel - Teas326
Hulbard & Son23140
Rent of Club Room0100