Hartlip Parish Magazine. September, 1923.

The Vicarage,
25th, 1923.

My Dear Friends,

Our Church being dedicated to St. Michael it has been the custom here to have a Service in the evening on September 29th, with a special preacher. But as St. Michael's Day falls this year on a Saturday, we have decided to try to arrange for a special preacher for the following Sunday evening (Sept. 30th) instead, and to combine the Patronal Festival on that day with the Harvest Thanksgiving. On this important day the Services will be Holy Communion at 8 a.m. and at Mid-day, Matins and Sermon at 11 a.m., Children's Service at 3 p.m. Evensong and Sermon at 6.30 p.m. The Collections will be for St Bartholomew's Hospital, Rochester. We shall be glad to have flowers, vegetables and fruit for the decoration of the Church sent in good time on the Saturday morning and we shall be glad also of the help of any ladies who will come to assist in the work of decorating.

The Services on St, Michael's Day will be Holy Communion at 8 a.m., Matins at 10 a.m. and Evensong (without Music) at 6.30 p.m.

By the kind invitation of Mrs. Denson, the children of our Church Sunday School had their Summer Treat at Queendown Warren, on Friday, August 10th. They assembled for a short service, in the Church at 2.30 and were then taken up to the Warren in motors. Cricket and other games occupied the time until tea, and after tea a programme of Sports was carried out and at the close Mrs. Denson presented the prizes to the winners. Scrambling for sweets concluded a very happy treat and the children and some of their parents were brought home in Col. Locke's and Mrs. Denson's cars. Our thanks are given to all who helped in giving our children such an enjoyable day.

The gatherings in the Vicarage garden on the Sunday evenings have been very pleasant. It has been nice to meet together for friendly chat and to listen to the band. At the last gathering on August 19th we gave a hearty vote of thanks to Miss Faussett-Osborne and the members of the band for providing us with the music and the hope was expressed that we might have more of these meetings next Summer.

I remain,
Your sincere Friend and Vicar,


The Day School is closed for five week's holiday. It will re-open on Monday, October lst. Although the hop-picking will be late this year, it is anticipated that it will be finished in time for the children to be back at School by the date fixed for re-opening.


We were fortunate in having a fine day at a time of rather uncertain weather, for the Event of the Summer. Although some thought a little time back that it would be hardly worth while to hold the Show, the Event proved that they were far from right, for the tent was full of exhibits up to a surprisingly high standard for such a difficult year for gardening. It seemed that the exhibits were viewed with greater interest than usual, because of the difficulty of getting such good stuff. The Exhibitors are to be congratulated, as is also the winner of the handsome cup, presented by Mr. Hales, for the best allotment for three years in succession.

It is kind of Mr. Hales to offer another cup and there should be keen competition to hold it next year and to get it for "keeps" as Mr. Goldsmith has the first one.

The Concerts, the Side-Shows and the Dancing on the Lawn, all helped much in attracting many visitors to the Show and altogether those who gave so much time and thought to organising it should feel repaid by the success of their efforts. It is not every village that has such nice grounds in which to hold a show and the gardens of Dane House were, as usual, looking very nice in spite of the dry weather. We were all glad to have Mrs. Locke so far restored to her health as to be able to open the Show.


July1-Organ and Choir Fund1127
Aug.1-Church Expenses1193
"8-Parish Quota to Diocesan Fund11011
"15-Church Expenses1127
"25-Vicar's Fund010