Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
December 1923 : page 2 (of 2)
Hartlip Parish Magazine. December, 1923.
The Vicarage,
November 27th, 1923.
My Dear Friends,
We were all, I am sure, impressed by the observance of Armistice Day, this year, in Hartlip. At all the Services throughout the day in our Church, the thoughts connected with the Great War and with those who gave their lives it, were particularly in our minds and in our prayers, and thanksgivings. It was good to see the Church so well filled for the Special Service in the afternoon and to note the earnestness with which the large congregation of Church and Chapel people entered into it. We were glad that the weather allowed us to close the Service at the Memorial to the Departed and to formally place the Wreath from the Parish upon it. Such a day does help us to feel more the duty and privilege of together bringing the things of our lives before the Throne of Grace in united prayer and praise. The Collection at the Afternoon Service has been sent to the Society for the Propagation of tht Gospel, which is especially undertaking the relief of the Christian Church in Japan in the present distress.
The Children of our Church Sunday Schools have for the past two months been subscribing to buy pictures to help in the teaching of the Bible to children in the Lebombo Mission in East Africa I have now been able to order 16 beautiful large coloured Wall Pictures which the Missionary who was preaching here in September last, will take back with him when he returns to Africa. Our children have decided that we shall now adopt a girl in one of the Mission Schools in India and each year contribute to her support. I am applying for a girl to be allotted to our Sunday School by the S.P.G. and the amount we shall have to undertake to subscribe each year will be about £4. It will be an excellent piece of work for Foreign Missions and we hope that parents will encourage their children in it.
The Day School was visited by H.M. Inspector, on November 13th and I have received from the Board of Education his Report. It says, "The Children in this School are given a good training in habits of diligence, care and attention, .... The Teachers are earnest and thorough. Their methods of instruction are sound: and they secure the steady co-operation of their Scholars." We may be gratified with such a Report and parents of the scholars especially will read what is said by the Inspector with pleasure. On November 21st, the Medical Inspector came to the
School for one of his regular visits. He reported the general good health of the Hartlip children, but a few of them need a little attention in one way or another. These visits of a doctor are very valuable and often he finds things needing treatment which parents might not discover and the "stitch in time saves nine."
Another visitor we had last month. It is the duty of the Rural Dean to look over every Church in his Deanery, at least once in four years. It is almost unnecessary to say that he had nothing but praise for the way in which our Church is kept. He had a few suggestions to make and they are included in the Report, which he has sent to the Secretary of the Church Council and which will be brought before the Council at its next meeting.
We shall soon be at the Great Festival of Christmas. It is, of course, a busy time for most people, but we will not forget that it is first and foremost a religious festival and that all the good cheer and social meetings are because we are celebrating the Birthday of our Lord and Saviour. On Christmas Day the Services to the Church will be Holy Communion at 8 a.m. and at Mid-day. Matins and Sermon at 11 a.m. and a short Children's Service at 3 p.m.
After Evensong, on Sunday, December 30th, Carols will be sung.
The Magazine will be circulated just about the time of the General Election. Let us all pray (as far as we can without prejudice) that God will guide our Country aright at this important time and that He will give to those who are elected a right judgment in all things.
I remain,
Your sincere Friend and Vicar,
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£ | s. | d. | ||||
Nov. | 1 | - | Vicar's Fund | 0 | 1 | 0 |
" | 4 | - | Church Expenses | 1 | 12 | 5 |
" | 11 | - | Service Candidates' Ordination Fund | 2 | 3 | 3 |
" | 11 | - | Japan Relief Fund | 1 | 12 | 9 |
" | 18 | - | Quota to Diocesan Fund | 1 | 11 | 2 |
" | 25 | - | Church Expenses | 1 | 6 | 3 |