Hartlip Parish Magazine. November, 1923.

The Vicarage,
28th, 1923.

My Dear Friends,

It is rather late to write about the Harvest Thanksgiving and the Patronal Festival on September 30th, but they came on after the last number of the Magazine was written. It was delightful to see such good congregations especially at the evening Service which was such a hearty one. We owe much to our choir and bell ringers for the brightness of the Festival. The Church was prettily decorated and our thanks are given to the ladies who took such pains to make it so and to those who sent materials for the decorations. We had a plentiful supply of corn, fruit and flowers but very few vegetables. It will be nice if next year we can have more of the produce of the gardens at our thanksgiving in Church for fruits of the earth. Mr. Stevens kindly took the things to the Hospital at Rochester, and the amount of the Collections (£4/15/4) was also, sent to the Hospital.

The Gift Show for the Hospital, on September 29th, produced (as I understand it always does) a large supply of splendid fruit, vegetables, etc. and Mr. W. Miles was kept busy with the hammer till a late hour. Covent Garden Salesmen might come to Hartlip and take a lesson in selling fruit! but every one felt it was for a good cause.

A lesson in good gardening under difficult conditions was given to us at the Show of Potatoes grown from seed presented by Mr. Hales. Many of the tubers were a credit to the growers and it was interesting to hear the judge say that some of them would have held their own at the County Show. Next year our Gardeners' Society ought to be represented at the big show and probably will be after this encouragement.

Those who were present at the first of the social evenings in the Club Room this winter, had a pleasant evening with the Whist Drive and Dance. We had quite a good number there and we look forward to seeing all the entertainments provided by the Committee well attended. In last month's Magazine it was stated in error that the gatherings were to be on the second and fourth Tuesdays in each month. This should have been the second and fourth Wednesdays. The dates in November will be 14th and 28th.

A Sub-Committee has been appointed by the Church Council to put into definite shape the scheme for the enlargement of the Churchyard. It has been found impossible to do this without first clearing the ground to see how it will work out and the members of the Committee have

themselves been busy on this work. We hope soon to have got far enough to be able to draw up the scheme.

Armistice Day, November llth, falls this year on a Sunday and we want to make much of it here. It has been decided that, in addition to the usual services in the Church which will have reference to the subject, we shall have a Special Service in the afternoon at 3 o'clock.

I am pleased to say that this is to be made a united service for Church and Chapel people and it has the hearty approval of the Rev. J. Stephens, H. Hales and others connected with the Chapel. We hope that all parishioners will try to attend it. Service papers and hymn sheets will be provided. The morning service will begin at 10.45 a.m, so that we may observe the two minutes silence in the Church at 11 a.m.

The week from November 25th is appointed as a special time of "Prayer, Self-denial and Thanksgiving" in our Diocese and we hope to observe it (as was done last year) in the Church. Full particulars of the arrangements will be announced in the Church.

I remain,
Your sincere Friend and Vicar,


It has been pleasant to see so many at the Thursday Afternoon Meetings for Women in the Club Room. Our numbers are now over 20 and we shall gladly welcome fresh members any Thursday, at 2.30 p.m. It is nice for us to meet together once a week.

The G.F.S. Candidates Class on Saturday afternoons is attracting many of the girls under 14 and more girls may come if they wish. The time is made pleasant and interesting for the childiren and they obtain some instruction in the objects for which the G.F.S. exists. - MRC.


Sept.29-Vicar's Fund010
"30-St. Bartholomew's Hospital4154
Oct.7-Organ and Choir Fund1118
"14-Parish Quota to Dioc. Fund150
"18-Vicar's Fund010
"21-Sunday School Fund1108
"28-Church Expenses165


Oct. 28 Constance Mary, daughter of Wilfrid Stuart and Constance Muriel Stevens.