Hartlip Parish Magazine. October, 1922.

Dear Friends,

The Harvest Thanksgiving at St. Mary's, Milton Regis (Park Road), will be held on Sunday, October 1st, when the Rev. E. H. G. Grabham will come to Hartlip and officiate at 6.30, while I take the service at St. Mary's, at the invitation of the Vicar (Rev, D. L. Lycett). While exchange number two will the place the Sunday following, viz.: October 8th, which is our Harvest Festival, and also that of Rainham. Consequently the new Vicar of Rainham suggested that he and I preach for one another that day at Mattins, which we arranged to do. This will give you an early opporunity of hearing Mr. Ball, at whose induction several of you were present on August 3rd. I sincerely trust as many as possible will try to get to Church at 11 a.m. on October 8th. The sermon in the evening will be preached by the Rector of Murston, who is somewhat new in the district not yet having preached in our Church, and just recently appointed Rural Dean, viz.: the Rev. A. P. McNeile. You may recollect that his sister was a Missionary on her way to India, on that ill-fated Steamship "Egypt," which sank off the French Coast in a fog. Miss McNeile stood aside that others might be saved, and was last seen kneeling on the deck as the ship went down. You will therefore be desirous to hear one who had such a self-sacrificing and heroic sister. The collections as usual on this occasion will be given to St. Bartholomew's Hospital.

Let us give our best in money and in kind, as a token of our thankfulness to Almighty God. Let us also join with hearts and voice in the gladsome psalms and hymns of thanksgiving. But ever remembering that the Holy Eucharist is the great Service of Thanksgiving. Therefore strive to foregather at the 8 a.m. Holy Communion on October 8th, and bring someone with you to the Lord's Table.

Don't forget to alter your clocks on the Saturday night when Summer Time ends.

Some time ago Fred Hales worked up for a Scholarship at Borden Grammar School, and after hard work he succeeded in winning it. A few months ago his sister Molly, being about the age of 11, also sat for the Examination for a County Scholarship. It is noteworthy that over 80 children competed for the three scholarships on that occasion: with the result that Molly Hales won one of them: and began her first term on September 14th at the County School, Sittingbourne.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hales (Hartlip Hill) are to be congratulated on this marked success of both

their children; and this success also reflects great credit on Hartlip School. Are there not other boys and girls in the parish who might try to do something like this? I hope there are, but they must be prepared for hard work every night with lessons. Let any such apply to Mr. Labrum, who I feel sure will give them advice and help.

At the last meeting of the Parochial Church Council on August 14th, the concluding item of the Agenda, was the resignation of the Hon. Secretary (Mr. Labrum). In accepting the resigination, Colonel Locke and the Vicar expressed their sense of gratitude for the work done by the Hon. Secretary from the inauguration of the Parochial Church Council some two years ago down to the present time.

We are hoping to hold our postposed Missionary Sale during the first week in October, on Wednesday the 4th, if possible.

During the (extended) holidays, considerable structural alterations and improvements have been going on at the school, which will make for the general welfare and comfort of both staff and scholars.

Your faithful Friend and Pastor,


June4-Joyce Muriel, daughter of Francis Courtenay and Annie Gregory, Chatham.
Oct.1-The Vicar preaches at St. Mary's, Milton Regis, and Rev. E. H. G. Grabham here at 6.30 p.m.
"7-Decorating the Church, 10 a.m. sharp, by which hour all fruit, flowers and vegetables should be sent.
"8-Harvest Thanksgiving.
8.0 Holy Communion.
11.0 Mattins and 2nd Celebration. Preacher - Rev W. R. Ball, Rainham.
3.0 Children's Thanksgiving.
6.30. Evensong, Preacher - Rev. A. P. McNeile, Rural Dean. Collections for Rochester Hospital.
"8-Summer Time ends.
"18-St. Luke. E. Holy Communion, 10.30 a.m. Evensong 6.30 p.m.
"28-St. Simon, A. M. and St. Jude, A. M. 10.30 a.m. Mattins.
"31-Vigil of all Saints.