Hartlip Parish Magazine. September, 1922.

Rusthall Vicarage,

August 21st, 1922.

Dear Friends,

I write my letter in this lovely Kentish Vicarage garden, with ornate line of standard roses, as also arch of climbers the gorgeous clumps of daisies, and golden rod in the herbaceous border surrounded by walls of rhododendrons and laurels, surmounting which are acacias., firs, copper beech, monkey's master, and British oaks. While across the road is the fascinating Kentish Common, with its endless intertwining paths, in between and beneath the red and white May trees, which when in bloom make a veritable fairy land. Then a stone's throw further on and one comes to huge masses of bare sandstone, towering as high as the housetops; occasionally in fantastic shapes: while a few steps may bring one to a fascinating valley, where perchance the fairies dwell. Just on the edge of one of these is the fine stone Parish Church of Rusthall, with its massive clock tower and lofty majestic aisles, in which yesterday the Curate and I administered the Blessed Sacrament to between 40 and 50 at 8 a.m.: and a like number at 12.15, while I preached to a congregation of some 500 or 600 at the 11 o'clock service.

It is verily both inspiring and uplifting for a coluntry Parish Priest, at times, to experience the "enthusiasm of numbers" - to realise a 1000 ears were hanging on your God-given and prayed-about message, was sufficient to unlock one's inmost soul, and make one feel that God was using one.

Owing to the prevalance of measles, our Missionary Sale had to be postponed. It will probably be held in the last week of September. I trust the measles are now past and done with.

I congratulate the "Cottage Gardeners' Association" Committee on the success which attended their efforts in making the Annual Show, on August 2nd, such a success, for success it undoubtedly was from various points of view: the weather was ideal; the opening by Mrs. Wheeler could not have been more graceful: the exhibits both in number and quality must have encouraged the Committee: the prizes were numerous and the evening attendance was large. The net result should be good.

On Saturday, August 5th, the Choir Outing which on this occasion included the Bell-Ringers, Sidesmen and Verger) took place. Canterbury was chosen; seeing that was the first day of the cricket week and Woolley's Benefit. The rain of the previous day probably accounted for the poor

cricket. The drive to and fro was greatly enjoyed, as also the good tea. I would express my in-debtedness to Mr. Wilfred Luck for all the care and trouble he took in organizing this outing, and I am glad to say the subscriptions quite equalled the expenses.

Once more we have been indebted to Mrs. Denson for so kindly allowing us the free use of her grounds for our Sunday School Summer Treat, which was given on Tuesday, July 25th. The weather was just right, the games were keenly played, the races - for both old and young - were hotly contested and the tea was fully appreciated by all ages. Ringing cheers were given for the Teachers, Mrs. Denson, the Vicar and Mrs. McMillan. The National Anthem brought to a close one of the most successful and enjoyable events of the Summer

St. Michael's Day - Friday, September 29th - the birthday of our Church, I hope you will keep free, so as to be in Church at one or other service that day; in order that your voice may join in the chorus, of Praise and Thanksgiving which we desire to offer to Almighty God for the great blessing of our ancient, beautiful and unsurpassable House of Prayer.

The Lord Bishop of Dover is coming to see us in the afternoon of that day, and he will kindly preach in the evening. I extend a very-hearty invitation to all my Nonconformist Parishioners to join us in this Service of Thanksgiving, when our Father-in-God visits us on September 29.

Our Harvest Thanksgiving is fixed for October 8th, the same day as Rainham, therefore Mr. Ball and I will exchange at 11 a.m.

Your faithful Friend and Pastor,


Sept.13-Vicar leaves Rusthall Vicarage for home.
"17-Take home Ember Pence Envelopes.
"20, 22, 23, Ember Days
"21-St. Matthew, A.E.M. Holy Communion 10.30 a.m. Evensong 6.30 p.m.
"24-Return Ember Pence Envelopes.
"28-Thursday Decorate Church 10.0.
10.30 Holy Communion.
7.30 Evening Service. Sermon by the Bishop of Dover.