Hartlip Parish Magazine. April, 1922.

Dear Friends -

Though it is now some weeks ago, yet I cannot refrain from referring to the death of my true neighbour and great friend, the Rev. John M. Tamplin, Vicar of Rainham, on Feb. 27th. His was a case which amazes us. A man, who seldom was ill, of unbounded energy, prolific in mind, unfailing good spirits, kind-hearted withal, and an affectionate friend, akin to a brother. On his funeral day March 2nd, I felt like the Harpist-King of old did, on the death of his friend "I am distressed for thee, my brother .... very pleasant hast thou been unto men" 2 Kings i, 26. He was generous to those who did not see eye to eye with him: and he did a good deal towards uniting in spirit all who own allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ.

To be stricken down so suddenly in the enjoyment of such vigorous health and strength, was a severe trial to such an active-minded man, during a six month's illness. Our profound sympathy goes out to Mrs. Tamplin in her sore bereavement with the sincere hope that her health may ere long be fully restored.

The prevailing east winds, together with sometimes bright sunshine, have proved a snare to many, so that some of our older people are laid up; we wish them a speedy recovery.

The Parochial Church Meeting (that is of those on the Electoral Roll - the Roll has been hanging in the Porch for a month), the date for which had to be altered, will now be held on Wednesday, April 5th, at 7 p.m. in the Schoolroom, and we trust all electors will attend. The chief business will be the election of the Parochial Church Council, together with the Lay-Representatives to the D. & R. D. Conferences.

Then according to statute, on Easter Tuesday April 18th, there will be a combined meeting of those on the Electoral Roll, together with (those who are entitled to attend) the Vestry Meeting, for the purpose of electing Churchwardens, and Sidesmen for the ensuing year. Therefore the order of procedure at these two meetings will be somewhat different to that indicated in the March magazine.

We congratulate the Rev. A. B. Parry-Evans, Vicar of Sittingbourne and Rural-Dean, on his promotion to the very important and most arduous sphere, viz., the Vicarage of Bishop-Auckland, County Durham, with its five churches. We wish him all success, and trust his strength of body and mind will be fully maintained. We are very loth to say goodbye to him as Rural Dean, for he Verily has during these eleven months, filled the office in a most agreeable and satisfactory manner.

Although, within only a few days of his departure for the North, Mr. Parry Evans has promised to preach for me on the Wednesday in Holy Week, April 12th, at 7 p.m. He has kindly helped me on many previous occasions, and as this will be his last visit, I hope we shall have a good congregation. But especially so as this is the special service of preparation for the Easter Communion. Therefore I sincerely hope that everyone who has been confirmed will make an effort to be present that evening, and also strive to get to one of the celebrations of Holy Communion at Easter-tide.

What an effort is often made to go to legitimate amusements, whether the weather be fair or foul. Now do let us make no less an effort to prepare our hearts for and be present at, the Lord's Own Service, about which He said, "Do this in remembrance of Me."

The Rev. A G. Hamilton Dicker has been kindly giving us a course of addresses on the Thursdays in Lent on the Words from the Cross, his closing address will be on April 6th. This is a very practical course of addresses, and I feel very much indebted to my neighbour for so kindly giving it, and all the trouble it has entailed, in preparation and in travel.

On Sunday March 19th, I made a new departure, by exchanging for the week-end with the Rector of Tunstall. He and Mrs. Woodruff came to Hartlip on the Saturday, and Mrs. McMillan and I journeyed to Tunstall, returning each on the Monday. This proved a mutually pleasant experience.

Your faithful Friend and Pastor,


April6.-Thursday 7 p.m. Mr. Dicker's last address.
"12.-Wednesday 7 p.m. Service of Preparation for the Easter Communion. Sermon by Rev. A. B. Parry Evans.
"14.-Good Friday, 11.0 Morning Service and Sermon. 7. p.m. The Crucifixion, by Soloists and Augmented Choir. Collection at the close.
"15.-10 a.m. Decorating the Church.
8.0 Holy Communion,
11.0 Mattins.
12.0 Holy Communion.
3.0 Children's Service.
6.30 Evensong and Sermon.
"17th and 18th. Holy Communion 10.30 a.m.
"18.-Parochial Church Meeting and Easter Vestry 7 p.m. in the Schoolroom.