Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
March 1922 : page 2 (of 2)
Hartlip Parish Magazine. March, 1922.
Dear Friends,
There were very many kind expressions of feeling during my recent illness which touched me much, but none more so than, just when my weakness was greatest, prayers were offered - I understand - on my behalf by my good friends at the Chapel. This was an act of true christian neighbourliness; which one fully appreciates at such times, and which also I here and now desire publicly to acknowledge.
Some people may say, this is only a small thing, perhaps so; but a straw indicates the direction of the tide: so the above is - one feels sure - an indication of the rising tide of a better and truer christian neighbourliness and fellowship which is actuating the hearts and minds of all who love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity and truth.
We laid to rest on February 4th, our old parishioner, John Cork, who after a very trying illness, most patiently borne, passed peacefully away on the Sunday evening previously. We trust his widow will recover soon from the overstrain and anxiety of his illness.
The Ven. John V. MacMillan, the new Archdeacon of Maidstone, who when not free to come to us on St. Michael's Day last, then gave me his next free date, viz.: February 12th, when he came and kindly preached for me morning and evening, being most anxious to be of all the use he could during his brief visit. His two thoughtful sermons I trust will long remain with us. The Choir rendered the anthem "Incline thine ear," etc., in a manner which compelled our appreciation; and his was greatly owing to the painstaking efforts our Organist during the weeks previous. Much sympathy was expressed for the sudden illness with which he was seized that morning while acompaning the Psalms; when he was carried out in an unconscious state. He however recovered in the course of the next few days. I desire to express our indebtedness to Miss Faussett Osborne, who promptly came to our rescue, so that Mattins went without a break, including the Anthem. She also played the Organ at 6.30. p.m.
A Parochial Church Council meeting was held on Feb. 15th. at 7.30. p.m. when the Electoral Roll was revised in preparation for the Annual Parochial Church meeting this month, when each man and woman on the Roll will be entitled to attend, and record their votes in the Election of the Church Council, and hear the financial statement made, showing the condition of the various Parochial funds, including also the amount of assistance we give to various objects outside our Parish and Diocese.
I hope all who are entitled to attend will do so, the Electoral Roll will be posted up in the Porch for at least 14 days previously, and every one on it can also vote in the election of the sidesmen.
This meeting will be preceded by a short one of come twenty minutes duration, consisting of
not only those on the Electoral Roll, but also those entitled to attend and vote at a Vestry Meeting. This combined meeting will at once proceed to elect the two churchwardens. When that has been done, the Vestry Meeting will dismiss, and those on the Roll alone remain.
Ere you read this, the much talked of, thought of, prepared for, Royal Wedding will be passed. Never did a bride go to the altar with such tokens of good will and good wishes from so many "loyal hearts and true" as Princess Mary. Possibly the wounded Tommy who was one deputed to carry the present from the Hospital to Buckingham Palace, expressed what many think "Oh, she was just lovely to talk to."
One of our newer parishioners (Thos. Harris); on the Lower Road, has been seriously ill with an attack of influenza, which has left its mark behind it. We sincerely trust that the present improvement will continue.
The first day of March this year is the first day of Lent, therefore Ash Wednesday. I hope this Magazine may be in your hands before that date, if possible. Lent is a season for searching our hearts and for turning the searchlight of the Holy Spirit on our mode of life. Never was the need for such greater than in these days of rush, hurry and race for excitement and pleasure. When we are swayed by these, then our religious duties are pushed aside and take a second place in our life. Lent calls us to halt, and think seriously.
Your faithful Friend and Pastor,
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Burials. | |||
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." | |||
Feb. | 4. | - | John Cork, aged 73 years. |
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Holy Baptism. | |||
"Suffer little children to come unto Me." | |||
Feb. | 5. | - | Kathleen Mary, daughter of Albert Edmund and Emily Hilda Read, Sweepstakes. |
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Calendar. | |||
March | 1 | - | ASH WEDNESDAY, 1st day of Lent. 9 a.m. Service for children, 10 a..m, Holy Communion, 7 p.m., Short Lenten Service. |
" | 2 | - | Quarterly Intercession Service for Missions, St, Paul's, Milton Regis, 3 o'clock Preacher, the Rev. E. Judah. |
" | 3 | - | Litany, Etc., 3 p.m. |
" | 5 | - | 1st Sunday in Lent, Ember Pence Envelopes may be taken home. |
" | 8, 10, 11, Ember Days | ||
" | 12 | - | 2nd Sunday in Lent, Ember Pence Envelopes to be returned. |
" | 25 | - | Annunciation B.V.M, Holy Communion 10 a,m. |
" | 26 | - | 4th Sunday in Lent "Mothering" Sunday. |