Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
September 1921 : page 2 (of 2)
Hartlip Parish Magazine. September 1921.
Dear Friends,
It is not very often that I ask for something to be provided for the Church, but when one has done so, the want has been supplied. The present need is a Bible for the pulpit. The one in use has been suffering from old age and wear for a while and the climax was reached the other Sunday when the chapter and verse of my text were not in their proper place; but memory fortunately; came to my assistance, and so saved the situation. One of clear distinct type is what is required. Would someone like to present such? or others rather subscribe toward it?
I am sending you one or two leaflets or cards illustrating the advantages of belonging to the National Savings Association, as a safe means of preparing for a rainy day. Read them carefully, and weigh well their facts. Payments can be made on the 2nd Monday in the month from 7 to 7.30 p.m. in the Schoolroom.
Since writing my last letter, the GARDEN PETE has been fixed for Tuesday, August 30th, as the most suitable all round date. But ere you receive this, it will be a past event, and its results.
September is close again, which brings in its train our Dedication Festival on St. Michael's Day, that of course, being our Church's Birthday, viz., the 29th. It is a red-letter day to us, and therefore it well becomes us to observe it as such. For who can say what we owe to this beautiful House of the Lord; and to those great hearts of ages ago, who spent their money and their lives in building and maintaining it! Or, what we owe to the saintly men and women who have worshipped God there in the beauty of holiness, in the days that are past!
And time after time, many of us too, have realised that "blessed unction from above," and felt that a power Divine was all around us, and the world and its affairs had no place in our thoughts, for somehow our souls were uplifted, and we felt "it was good to be there." And as we ponder over these spiritual realities, we come to realise, in a degree, how very much cause we have to celebrate the Dedication of our lovely Church on Sept. 29th.
There will be a celebration of the Holy Eucharist (Thanksgiving) at 10 a.m., and at 7.30 p.m. a full Choral Evensong. Make a special effort to be present on that our great Festival Day, when of course, everybody will be heartily welcome. The collections that day are always given to the Royal Agricultural Institution, which grants pensions to Farmers and their dependants, when they fail and lose their money, through repeated bad seasons, etc., therefore this should appeal to us in a country parish.
The date for the Harvest Thanksgiving Ser-
vices having been altered. will be now held - I hope - on Sunday, September 25th, preachers for which I am in correspondence with, and when fixed will be published at once. On that day our annual appeal for Rochester Hospital will be made, to which I hope you will generously respond. For it deserves well of Hartlip and the neighbourhood, for what it has done, and still does, for our people.
As I write the answer from Dail Eireann (the Sinn Feiners) is in the hands of our Government, and being considered by the Cabinet. The latter had advanced a long way, in offering Dominion Government to South Ireland: to the generosity of which even General Smuts (our one time enemy) fully testified, in his letter to Mr. de Valera, when pressing him and his friends to accept it. But Mr. de Valera was so wanting in appreciation of what "generous terms" for Self-Government really mean, that he (almost) insolently refused them. It would be well if Mr. de Valera pondered over Punch's cartoon of August 24th, where he would see himself and "The shade of Parnell pourtrayed, entitled, A Forgotten Patriotism."
Having received the Magazine proof - very late - on the morrow of the Garden Sale, I am able to say it was a huge success, at which we took over £50.
Your Faithful Friend and Pastor,
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Holy Baptism. | |||
July | 3rd. | - | Alan George, son of George and Bertha Lancaster, Ashford. |
" | 3rd. | - | Ernest William, son of Charley Edwin and Annie Philpot. td> |
Aug. | 7th. | - | Robert Lewis, son of Lewis and Esther Lane, Luton Road, Chatham. |
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Calendar. | |||
Sep. | 21st. | - | "St. Matthew" A. & M. Holy Communion, 10 a.m. Evensong in Lady Chapel 6.0. |
" | 25th. | - | Harvest Thanksgiving. 7.30 Holy Communion. 11.0 Mattins and 2nd Celebration. 3.0 Service for the Young. 6.30 Evensong, etc. |
" | 29th. | - | "ST. MICHAEL and ALL ANGELS" DEDICATION FESTIVAL. 9 a.m. Service for Children. 10 a.m. Holy Communion. 7.30 Evening Service. |