Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
August 1921 : page 2 (of 2)
Hartlip Parish Magazine. August, 1921.
Dear Friends,
At last I discovered the firm who made our Church Clock, and then, as it was the eve of my holidays, handed the arrangements for its repair over to Col. Locke. When it was overhauled, the Firm found that much more was required than a new steel rope for the striking gear. Two pinions were badly worn and the striking catch very similar, to say nothing of all the pulley blocks being worn. Even the works of a church clock will not last for ever; and it is evident that the time for overhauling and renewal - after 37 years - had come. Therefore it is not surprising that the cost is rather heavy.
Someone called the loss of the Clock a "public calamity," consequently everybody will be anxious to know how this outlay is to be met. However, I was very glad to hear that it was in "going order" again and the dial re-lettered and renovated.
Many enquiries have been made as to our having a Garden Sale this Summer. We intended to have had it in July, but circumstances compelled us to take our holiday then. Therefore in the latter part (probably) of August we hope to have a Sale in the Vicarage Garden for various objects; the chief one of course will be the Organ Cleaning Fund, for which Lady Haggard is providing a stall of secondhand articles. We should be glad of gifts for a Garden Produce Stall, as we expect some friends from the Towns, who readily buy such; indeed, eggs and even chickens (live or dead) will be welcome. Should you however think of giving a young pig, please forewarn us as that would require a special notice: but no kittens.
We ask for the generous assistance of all, in order that this event may be a decided success. Should the weather be unfavourable we must use the School; but trust that the Clerk of the Weather will not have been too generous with sunny days in June and July as to leave none for August.
The Sittingbourne G.F.S. Branch Festival was held at Herne Bay, on Wednesday, July 20th, Hartlip being one of the four parishes represented. The day was one of the hottest, but vary suitable for an hour's sail, which all the members enjoyed. After an excellent tea, the Annual Awards were presented (in the absence of the Hon. Mrs. Parry-Evans) by Mrs. McMillan. I am glad to say that two of these came to Hartlip, viz.:— Elizabeth Apps, a Card, for seven year's faithful membership;
and Dorothy Acott, 3/6 (to purchase a Book) for two year's service in first place. I hope this will be an encouragement to our girls to join and also remain faithful to this Society, which is a true Friend to girls wherever they may be when they go out into the world, quite regardless whether they belong to Church or Chapel.
Our Parochial "National Savings' Association" which began November 26th, 1917, was very successful in the earlier period, but the Armistice had a deadening effect upon its operations, so that payments gradually fell off, till they reached almost nil. Yet a surprising amount of business was done up to February last, seeing that the cash received exceeded £820 and the Savings' Certificates issued by us numbered 1060.
One of the Headquarters Officials at Salisbury Square, visited me recently and urged me to try to revive our Association. I agreed to do so. Circulars will be sent to you about it. I commend this to you as an excellent means of investing your spare money at a good interest; and in an emergency you can withdraw it at a few day's notice. The time for payments to be made will be the 2nd Monday in every month, in the Schoolroom, 7 till 7.30 p.m. Each Coupon is 6d. and you can put on your card as many as you like: you can, of course, purchase one Certificate outright for 15/6; 12 for £9/6/0 and 25 for £19/7/6. Needless to say, such transactions are of no advantage to me whatever but I commend them to you as a wise and patriotic thing to do for yourself and country.
I am sorry that the July Baptisms are held over till next month; but being away from home I have not been able to get them.
Your Faithful Friend and Pastor,
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Calendar. | |||
Aug. | 24 | - | St. Bartholomew's. Holy Communion, 10 a.m. Evensong, 6.0 |
" | 29 | - | Day School Holidays begin. |
Vicarage Garden Sale - Date will be published later.