Hartlip Parish Magazine. March, 1921.

Dear Friends,

I was exceedingly sorry for the mistake made with the February Magazine Inset, for which Messrs. Ive & Lowe amply apologised. Some of you were unaware of this, as I got the FEBRUARY Inset and stitched it in the cover before delivery.

An Emergency Parochial Church Council Meeting was held in the Schoolroom on Monday, February 7th, at 6.30 p.m., specially to consider how the work of the Church and Church Yard could be done until the New Verger, Sexton and School Caretaker arrived. The Council rose to the occasion splendidly, when the following were undertaken:—(1) Winding the Clock, (2) Trimming and Oiling the Lamps, (3) Sweeping and Dusting the Church, (4) The Furnace and Hot Water System, (5) Lighting Lamps, (6) Tolling in, (7) Digging Graves if necessary. In addition, three volunteers undertook the sweeping and dusting, and also the fires of the School together with the flushing of the Offices, daily, as long as required. I must say it made one feel proud of our P.C.C. when they so prompt]y faced the situation and its responsibilities.

Ere you read my announcement last month, as to Mr. Hall becoming our Organist, he had withdrawn his acceptance because of the New Army Regulations and claims on his time. This was a great disappointment and putting out of plans, both to myself and the Choir. Mrs. Woollen of Luton, however, readily filled the gap by taking the practices and playing on Sundays until a suitable Organist could be appointed. There were two very good applicants for the Post which made it difficult to decide, but after due consideration, a choice was made, which I feel sure will be justified as time goes on, seeing that aptitude, experience and keenness are usually the prelude to progress, so I commend Mr. Hamilton Lilwall to you as our new Organist.

The Parochial C. C. have taken the initial step towards raising the money for Cleaning the Organ, each one has a Collecting Card, and doubtless is trying his or her best to get as much as possible on them before Easter, when another Meeting may be held, to report what amount has collected, therefore, there is no time to lose.

And while talking of the P.C.C., it may be of interest to you to know that a remarkable meeting was held in Queen's Hall, Langham Place, London, on February 11th., of Parochial Church Councillors, when there were some 4,000 present. In addressing them, our Archbishop said "The Parochial Councils, being now part of the Law of Church and Realm, would be allowed to do their work adequately. A firm foothold had been gained and it must be used to get a wider horizon. If the Central Fund was to do the widening work it

alone could do, it could only be done by each Diocese contributing its full share," and so I presume, each Parish contributing its full share also of Quota to the Diocese. He believed that, "As they realised their trust, there would come to members of Church Councils a truer self respect and a better understanding of the claim of Christ upon each one, a truer and worthier standard of purity, restraint, and Christian answerableness. This is an hour when you are to go out equipped and fitted to do things as God would have them done. Quit you like men. Be strong." There, as the Archbishop gives its, is the key note for all our work for God, as members of the Church Council: the work is His, let it always be done in and by His Spirit.

Lent is with us, are we making use of it for our higher betterment? The Collect for the first Sunday strikes the note for us to take, viz. "O Lord, Who for our sake didst fast forty days and forty nights, give us grace to use such abstinence, that our flesh being subdued to the spirit," etc. May we be striving for the mastery of the spirit over the flesh. Let us make use of all the means of grace to that end. There are the Special Wednesday Services and Preachers, as found in the Calendar, etc. Please note, particularly on Wednesday, March 23rd, at 7 p.m., the Preparation Service. I earnestly ask all Communicants to try to be present, and equally important is it that each should be present on the Queen of Festivals, to receive the Blessed Sacrament.

The various days and hours will be found below.

Your faithful Friend and Pastor,


Holy Baptism.
"Suffer the little children to come unto Me."
Feb.6-Vera Edith Ivy, daughter of William Edwin and Winifred Rebecca Harris, Yaugher.
Feb.6-Richard Allan, son of Richard W. and Amy Isobel Harriss. Rainham.
Mar.4-Special preacher, 7,0, Rev. J. A. Finch
"9-Special preacher, 7.0, Rev. J. A. Finch
"16-Special preacher, 7.0. Rev. H. F. Lord
"23-Preparation for Easter Communion 7 p.m. Preacher, Rev. W. Walton.
"25-Good Friday, 11.0 Morning Service.
"26-Decorating the Church, 10 a.m.
"27-EASTER DAY. 8.0 and noon, Holy Communion. 3.0 Children's Service.
"28-Monday in Easter Week, 10 a.m. Holy Communion.
"29-Tuesday in Easter Week, 10 a.m. Holy Communion.