Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
February 1921 : page 2 (of 2)
Hartlip Parish Magazine. February, 1921.
Dear Friends:-
For some time it had been doubtful how long Mr. J. A. C. Rogers, Jnr., our young organist would be with us; but early in January having obtained a scholarship preparatory to Oxford and Holy Orders - on which we offer him our heartiest congratulations, and wish him God speed - it necessitated his departure at once after Sunday January 9th. His reverent keeness and zeal did much to enthuse our augmented choir, who feel much indebted to him all his pains. His Organ Recital on January 26th, Mr. Chancy kindly took, hence the omission of the one fixed for Jan. 12th. On Feb. 23rd, Mr. Chaney hopes to give another, this time from the "English" masters.
My sudden anxiety as to finding another capable organist in so short a time, was soon dispelled, by the kindly activities of Mr. Rogers, who at once found an excellent successor in Mr. Hall. A.R.C.M., who has served so efficiently for years in the R.E. Band at Chatham. He at once became responsible for our services and practices. I am sure we will give him a welcome and our hearty support.
Now a word as regards one or two special Funds in 1920. The Waifs and Stray's boxes have done excellently. Mrs. Denson, Hon. Sec., reports that the sum reached £2/16/2, being 15/- more than the previous year. Mrs. Edward Black's box heads the list with 10/10, we congratulate her on her success on behalf of the poor and needy children. Our Parochial Assessment for Diocesan Funds has been hitherto £7/8/11, but in case some parishes had a difficulty in making up theirs, we have in the last few years tried to send more than our assessment, annually; and so in 1920 we contributed £9/9/1 which together with our Ember Pence of £l/5/2, made a grand total of £10/14/3 which was most satisfactory. This effort will be of great value to us, in raising our increased assessment in 1921, inasmuch as it will probably be at least 60 per cent more than that of 1920.
Foreign Missions received due attention last year from us. In July we were privileged in having the Bishop of Southern Brazil to preach in support of this very necessary object. The number of boxes should be far greater in the Parish than it is: and when we come to realise that it is as much a part of our duty and privilege to support the work of God's Church in India, or Japan, or Africa, as it is to support it here at home, then we shall be keen to have a box, or give an annual subscription, in order that His command may be carried out, viz,:— "Go ye into all the world," with the Gospel. I have one or two Missionary Boxes on hand, which ought to be in use for His work, so try one this year.
The result of our quiet plodding efforts in 1920, was that I had the great joy of sending cheque for £16/0/7 to S.P.G. just before 'Xmas. Who will help to make it £25 this year? And rest assured we shall be none the poorer for so doing.
The Parochial Church Council held its second meeting on Wednesday, January 12th, in the Schoolroom, where with one exception, every member was present, and the Vicar in the chair. After prayers, the Secretary, pro tem, (Mr. Labrum), read the minutes. The first subject to discussion was the cleaning of the Organ, which after so many years, was realised by all to be a vital necessity and should be done as soon as possible. Norman & Beard's (the builders) tender was £67. A full debate followed as to how best to raise the money, it was ultimately decided that the Council should take this matter in hand as a responsible body and each one have a Collecting Card. The cost and quality of Cards was practically settled by the generous offer of Mr. W. S. Stevens to supply the Cards required. The collection to be started at once. The next important business was the Revision of the Electoral Roll of Voters for the Parochial Church Council. This was detailed, lengthy and occupied some sixty minutes. A number of removal necessitated names being deleted, while new comers and others having qualified by age, mean additions to the Roll.
Lent begins early this year, Ash Wednesday being February 9th. Don't allow it to pass without a serious effort.
The distractions of to-day are legion, and so our duty to God is so apt to be set aside. He should be first. Lent bids us sacrifice self, and give Him the right place in our lives He ought to have.
Your faihful Friend and Pastor,
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Calendar. | |||
Feb. | 2 | - | Purification of B.V.M., 10.30 a.m. Holy Communion. |
" | 6 | - | Quinquagesima. |
" | 9 | - | Ash Wednesday. 9 a.m., Children's Service. 10.30 a.m., Holy Communion. 7 p.m., Lenten (brief) Service. |
" | 13 | - | Take Ember Pence Envelopes home. |
" | 16, 18, 19 - Ember Days | ||
" | 20 | - | Temperance Sermons by Rev. E. L. M. Allen. Service for Men at 3.30. |
" | 20th | - | Return Ember Pence Envelopes. |
" | 23 | - | Organ Recital by Mr. Chaney, 7 p.m. Collection. |
" | 24 | - | St. Matthias. 10.30 a.m., Holy Communion. |