Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
March 1920 : page 2 (of 2)
Hartlip Parish Magazine - March, 1920.
Dear Friends,
The final Organ Recital of the 1919-20 series was given on Tuesday, February 10th (re-arranged date), by Mr. E. W. Chaney, Organist of Gillingham Parish Church, with his usual ability (in the unavoidable absence of Mr. J. Hall, A.L.C.M.). The Intermezzo in D. Major, was very fine; as was also the Tone Poem "At Dawn," by himself. Mr. F. F. C. Edmonds contributed two 'Cello Solos one of which was original. These recitals have been much appreciated; and we are indebted to those who most kindly gave them, as also to Mr. Rogers for arranging them.
"The Enabling Act" has been loyally and keenly complied with thus far in Hartlip, for Church people have most readily signed the Declaration as to Qualification Form, indeed there has been a daily stream of these arriving at the Vicarage, which has been most gratifying. Therefore the Electoral Roll is a formidable one, and each person on the Roll has the privilege of recording a vote at the Parochial Church Meeting (soon to be held), when the election of the Parochial Church Council takes place; candidates for the latter must be actual lay communicant members of the Church of England of either sex of 21 years of age and upwards. Any bone fide member of the Church of England who has not yet filled up a Form, should apply AT ONCE for one at the Vicarage and return it PROMPTLY, as the Roll is nearing completion, and when closed will be posted up in the Porch for the legal 14 days, previous to the Parochial Meeting, during which no names can be added.
I would ask your constant prayers that God's blessing may rest on this great movement in Church Reform; that it may mean a great resurrection in our inner selves, and that we all may fully realize our high privileges as baptized children of God.
A meeting of the "Mothers' Union" was held at the Vicarage on Feb. 5th, addressed by the Decanal Secretary, Mrs. Owtram, when the Mothers' Union Campaign was explained. This is an effort by the Mothers' Union on behalf of mothers, an endeavour to remind each of what they stand for. And the Mothers' Union stands for what affects us all, viz. the sanctity of the home, and therefore should appeal to every wife, especially in these sad days, when divorce is so rampant.
Pilgrim Pitiful hopes to arrive amongst us about March 5th for some three days stay. I ask you to respond to her efforts for the ennoblement of womanhood, and that all wives may be encouraged to take an interest in the Mothers' Union.
Lent is with us once more, and came with its solemn call (in the opening words of the Epistle for Ash Wednesday) viz. "Turn ye even to me saith the Lord, with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning." That was Joel's Lenten message some 3,000 years ago, it is equally necessary for us to-day, when slackness and carelessness seem to eat into the very hearts of people. None of us probably mean to neglect God, but we allow friends and habits and customs to creep in and hinder us from serving and worshipping God, as we, in our best moment desire to do. Let us have courage to break through all these, and start afresh, and act on the words of the Epistle for next Sunday (Eph. V. 1.) "Be ye followers of God, as dear children; and walk in love as Christ also hath loved us, etc." On Thursdays at 7 p.m. there is a short service and course of addresses on "Messages from the Book of Common Prayer" (see calendar). Then on Wednesdays at 10.30 and Fridays at 3, the Litany and a Reading, in the Lady Chapel, lasting about twenty-five minutes. Then in Holy week, the Ante-Communion, Monday and Thursday at 10.30 a.m.
Now another subject. Are the Turks to rule in Constantinople? If so, it means the continued slaughter of Christians in Assyria and in Armenia where 7,000 perished a few days ago and 200,000 in 1895, and 2,000,000 Greeks in 1522. Surely THIS MUST STOP, and Turkey shorn of all such power?
Your faithful Friend and Pastor,
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Holy Matrimony. | |||
"Those whom God hath joined together, let no man put asunder." | |||
Feb. | 7. | - | Horace Geo. Exton and Lilian Rosa Sage. |
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Calendar. | |||
Mar. | 4. | - | Preacher Rev. A.G. Hamilton Dicker, 7 p.m. |
" | 7. | - | Preacher, at 6.30 p.m. Rev. E.R. Olive. |
" | 8. | - | National Savings Association at Vicarage. |
" | 9-12 | - | Mothers' Union Campaign - Visit of Pilgrim |
" | 11. | - | Preacher, Rev. A.B. Parry-Evans, 7 p.m. |
" | 18. | - | Preacher, Rev. A.B. Parry-Evans, 7 p.m. |
" | 25. | - | Annunciation of the B.V.M., Holy Communion, 10.30 a.m. |
" | 25 | - | Preacher, Rev. A.B. Parry-Evans, 7 p.m. |
" | 29-31 | - | Ante-Communion Service daily, 10.30 a.m. |