Hartlip Parish Magazine - February, 1920.

Dear Friends,

On Christmas Day our Church, beautiful at all times, was very choicely decorated as became the season, and our best thanks are due to all who assisted, or sent dccorations. The services of the day were full of Christmas joy, particularly at 8 a.m., when the numbers were exceptionally large, indeed they have not been equalled since Christmas, 1913, also at 11 o'clock, when the anthem was "O Zion, that bringest good tidings." The collections, quite up to the average, were ear-marked "Clergy Pensions" for the Church of England Board of Finance.

A new venture was made on December 31st, when, at the invitation of the Vicar and Churchwardens, the Church Workers, with their wives and husbands, met in the Schoolroom at 7 p.m., for a Social Evening and were welcomed by their hosts. An innocent game of competitive whist occupied some time and caused much amusement, the prizes for which were then presented by Miss Locke. After this tea and coffee were handed round to the happy company. The Vicar then explained the object of the gathering, and said that in view of the wave of indifference and the ignoring of Christ's claim upon men and women, it became every one of them to stand shoulder to shoulder for God and His Church. "The Enabling Act," now being in force, it becomes necessary that a Roll of Qualified Elector's be formed, who shall sign the necessary "Declaration" as Churchmen, and so be able, when called upon to elect the Parochial Church Council, etc. Then followed games, such as musical arms, these were enjoyed to the full, which were interspersed with songs: and then closed with the National Anthem about 11.15. At 11.30 a good congregation met in the Church and joined in a solemn and very helpful service of watching the old year out, in silence, and of dedicating "All this year to Thee". The old Year was solemnly tolled out, then on twelve being struck, the New Year was rung in by a merry peal of about an hour's duration, thanks to the enthusiasm of our Hartlip band of Ringers, who are always ready to assist on such occasions.

The object of the Porch War Mernorial being a very comprehensive one, and of quite a different nature to the Cross, was inspired with the idea that it should be a Record of what our little parish did in the Great War, for over one-fifth of our population were serving. Therefore in order to show this, the idea arose, of having a complete list of our men who served (and that list to be complete must contain both the

dead and the living,) put up in the Porch of our old Parish Church, where it could be seen by all, everyday, as a permanent Record of Hartlip's loyallty. That being so, the idea quickly caught on, and money flowed in, so that the amount received to-date is £50/5/6. A committee has chosen the names, inscriptions, etc., and two or threee Vestry Meetings have considered various details.

The 3rd of the 1919-20 series of Organ Recitals was given on January 14th, by Mr. Chaney and the Tenor Solos by Mr T. J. Hadler, of Sittingbourne. It was a great success, with a good collection. The final one will be on February 4th.

The Week-night Services this Lent will be on Thursdays at 7 o'clock, when the Rev. A. B. Parry-Evans, Vicar of Sittingbourne, has kindly promised to give a course of addresses entitled, "Messages from the Book of Common Prayer." I trust we shall all make an effort to be present, as these addresses are sure to be helpful. There will be no service on the first Thursday in lent, seeing that our service will D.V. be held the evening BEFORE, viz., on Ash-Wednesday. The hours of service will be found below.

Your faithful Friend and Pastor,


Holy Baptism.
"Suffer the little Children to come unto Me."
Jan.4.-Bessie, daughter of Harry and Hilda Philpott.
Feb.2.-Purification of B.V.M., Holy Communion at 10.30 a.m.
"4.-Organ Recital at 7 p.m.
"9.-National Savings, 6 p.m. in Vicarage.
9.0 a.m. Children's Service,
10.30 a.m. Holy Communion,
7.0 p.m. Lenten Service.
"22.-1st Sunday in Lent, take Ember envelopes, please.
"24.-St. Matthias, Holy Communion 10.30 a.m.
"25, 27, 28 - Ember Days
"26.-Lenten Service 7 p.m., 1st address by Rev. A. B. Parry-Evans.
"29.-Return Ember envelopes, please.