Hartlip Parish Magazine - January, 1920.

Dear Friends,

"A Happy New Year" to you and your families. But as we leave the teens of the twentieth century and enter its twenties, much of our happiness lies in our own hands; depending so much upon HOW we face life's battles. If we go forward conscious of a daily fellowship with our Great High Priest and relying upon His promised guidance, then we may be "Strong in the strength which God supplies through His eternal Son." The year 1920, or its horizon, would seem to be clouded with anxious problems, both Nationial and Imperial which will seriously tax our Rulers; Ireland alone passes the wit of man to appease, while the European atmosphere is little less alarming than it was five years ago. These serious questions - varied and far-reaching - indicate the imperative need of seeking guidance of Him "Who erreth not," so that 1920 may be (D.V.) a peaceful, prosperous, and happy year to our country, our empire, and to Europe.

Notwithstanding the outlay, I have again secured a Parish Almanack. Its three pictures are very suggestive: "Back home again" speaks of thankfulness. "To God be the Praise" speaks of Church going, lest we "Forget allm His benefits." How necessary this is that we may worship Him in SPIRIT and IN TRUTH. "In Undying Memory" shows the Record of the Fallen on the wall of the Church, placed there where we should go to in life and are carried to in death.

And - strange enough - that is what we propose to do in our Church Porch; hence my "Appeal" for subscriptions. But in addtion, we intend also to record the names of ALL Hartlip men who served during the War, so that it may - as becomes a Parish Church - be a comprehensive list. Hence an appeal was sent to every home and every man, so that each one might have the opportunity of making a THANK-OFFERING that their lives were spared. Everyone who wore Khaki or Blue and came back must be full of gratitude; so also are all of us surely, who escaped the enemy's bombs.

The Church Enabling Bill officially called the National Assembly of the Church of England (Powers) Bill passed its third reading in the House of Commons on December 5th without division. The discussions proved that the Church has the good will of the vast majority of the representatives of the people. The support given to the Bill by leading Nonconformists in the House was remarkable and most gratifying. It

remains for Churchmen now to utilise the scope this affords them for the strengthening and improvement of the Church.

For the present, the price of our Magazine has to be twopence monthly to Cottagers for which I am sorry, but necessity knows no law; it is worked on business lines and therefore has to pay its way. As it costs threepence to produce, there is a loss of one penny on every one sold at twopence monthly, or two shillings a year. If eighty pay two shillings a year for what costs three shillings there is eighty shillings to be raised to pay the difference, while those who pay three shillings a year pay nothing over the cost price, which they used to do formerly.

The National War Savings Assiociation is to be continued for the sake of encouraging the people "to save," and also that they may have GOOD INTEREST for their money, which is over five per cent. But the name is to be altered by dropping the word "War." The money can be easily withdrawn when wanted and is NOT locked up. It is to be hoped that all who have Cards partly filled will complete them, and that many will use this association to increase their savings however small per week. Monday, January 12 at 6 p.m. in the school is the next meeting.

On December 9th the second Organ Recital of the 1919-20 series was given by Mr. Hall, a.l.c.m. who displayed remarkable ability with telling effect on our fine organ, e-g Walton's "The Call of the Angelus," Gounod's "Ave Maria," &c., &c. Mr Oswald Draper rendered lovely pieces on his violin with organ accompaniment. The Choir gave Tennyson's "Crossing the Bar" at the close. The collection amounted to 16/7; the congregation, slightly smaller than before, was most attentive. The Church was heated, and will be for each recital. The next one will be on January 14 at 7 p.m.

Your Faithful Friend and Pastor,


Jan.1.-Circumcision. Holy Communion, 10.30 a.m.
"6.-Epiphany. Holy Communion, 10.30 a.m.
"14.-Wednesday, Organ Recital, 7 p.m.
"25.-Conversion of St. Paul. Holy Communion 10.30 a.m.