Hartlip Parish Magazine - October, 1918.

Dear Friends,

Sunday, October 13, is fixed for our Harvest Thanksgiving, when I hope Canon La Touche will preach at the Evening Service. It is more and more difficult for the clergy to help one another in this respect. But quite regardless of who may preach, our plain and bounden duty is to be in God's House that day, to offer our profound gratitude to Him who hath given us so bountifully of the fruits of the earth in this, the 5th harvest of the war. When we consider how we have been deprived of the Russian corn supply, then of the Rumanian, and still we've had enough: following this the "U" Boats sank our supply steamers in scores and hundreds, then the men of Canada joined up, and recently the U.S.A. have sent over a million men to the Western Front; yet with all that depletion of labour, at home and abroad a very abundant harvest has been, and is being, garnered. As we reflect on these things we will feel "Well, come what may I must have my share in the public thanksgiving and thank the Lord, yes, thank the Lord for all His love."

Friday, October 18, is St. Luke's Day, the beloved Physician (Col. iv. 14). It is the day appropriated by S.P.G. to Medical Missions. Therefore I hope to issue some special envelopes, similar to last year, into which those who choose may place an offering in "Thanksgiving for the priceless boon of Health." May the offerings be many, so that Medicial Missions may be helped considerably.

I was most anxious that the children's effort on Sunday, September 1, in aid of the Serbian Children, should be a success. The total realised afterwards was £l 16s., for which handsome sum we are much indebted to the Rev. A. Reeve in taking it up so keenly.

We have all, one hopes, been much enheartened during recent weeks by the remarkable change on the "Western Front." Marshal Foch recognised the psychological moment when to strike, and he stuck with marked success and continues to keep the enemy on the move.

Our Parish War Savings Association continues to make progress, especially the last three months, by two or three people investing their small Savings. I fear some people don't like to do this on Monday evenings in public. Now, if any one is desirous of investing privately in War Savings they are welcome to come to the Vicarage any evening, when I shall be glad to explain it in detail and complete the investment privately for them.

It would be a very patriotic thing to invest all your spare money, i.e. your fruit or hop-picking money, in "War Savings Certificates," 15s 6d. each, worth £1 in five years after. But, observe, should you be in need of money, you can draw all or part of it out at any time, after due notice; therefore it is always at your disposal.

War Certificates or Bonds are the best of investments to-day, and are PERFECTLY SAFE. People with small amounts only, never had such a good chance. And it is patriotic too, for when the men are lending their lives, we ought most certainly to be only too ready to lend our money to the country. Our parish War Savings Association completes it first year on November 18, and we are very anxious to make the year's investments as large as possible, for the credit of the parish. We have done well thus far, but want you all to put in it as much as ever you can during the next four or five weeks and so show what little patriotic Hartlip can do in such critical times, for our country.

The news from all the "fronts" is most cheering, the enemy is giving way everywhere; and now Bulgaria has capitulated, which must prove a wonderful help to the Allies, and no less a weakening blow to the enemy. For all this we heartily thank God and take courage.

I wish to congratulate our neighbour (Waggoner) T. Kitchingham, on his speedy recovery after his operation in St. Bart.'s Hospital, Rochester.

Although our takings at the "War Sale" on July 31, and after, were some £43, the expenditure was very heavy, therefore the bills were very big; then the Mothers' Working Fund has always to be replenished after each sale to the extent of £5. But after all we were enabled to apportion donations as follows:- Blinded Soldiers and Sailors, £5; Temperance Society, £5; Church Army Huts, £5; Braile Books Fund, £2; Mine Sweepers, £1; Prisoners of War - Buffs, £2; Sittingbourne War Depôt, £2; S.P.G., £2 18s. 3d. (worked by G.F.S.).

Your faithful friend and Vicar,


Oct.13-Harvest Thanksgiving.
8.0. Holy Communion.
12.0   "    "
3.0. Children's Service.
6.30. Preacher Canon La Touche.
"18-St.Luke E., 10.30 Holy Communion.
"28-Simon and St. Jude, 10 30 Holy Communion.
"31-Vigil of All Saints' Day.