Hartlip Parish Magazine - September, 1918.

Great Malvern, Worc.

Dear Friends,

On Saturday, July 21, we laid to rest on the north side of the Church, amid every token of regard, the mortal remains of the People's Warden, T. E. Denson. A very large congregation, including representatives of the Guardians, Magistrates, and other Public Bodies, assembled, notwithstanding the downpour of rain.

The Organist and Choirboys were robed; the 90th Psalm was chanted: and Mr. Denson's favourite hymn, "On the Resurrection Morning," was feelingly sung. We are very pleased to hear that it is Mrs. Denson's intention to remain in our midst.

Wednesday, July 31, the day fixed for our Annual War Sale, proved to be all that we could desire as regards weather, the sun shone brightly from morn till eve and with the gaily decked stalls, on the newly grown grass, surrounded by the dark green trees and shrubs, together with the diverse coloured garb of the large company present, made up a very striking and animated scene. Business began promptly on the stroke of 3.30 p.m. and continued briskly until 4.30, the hour fixed for tea; when every available table and chair from the Vicarage was commandeered, as also benches from the school, and even then several enjoyed their tea sitting on the grass. A varied Entertainment was given at 5.15 by Miss Parkhurst, of Rochester, and her party; and another at 7 o'clock, both of which were greatly appreciated, and totalled a profit of about £2. The Misses Quinell of Rainham, once again most kindly provided the game of Hoop-la, which as before attracted great numbers from beginning to end, and was a valuable adjunct. All the stalls did well, the, "Mothers' Plain Work" in particular, the sum handed in being £12 6s. The tea, under the management of Mrs. Ralph Locke, realized £2 9s. The G.F.S. Girls had been working to provide an S.P.G. Stall, which was quite a success, its takings being nearly £3.

With what has been sold since "the Sale," the total is some £42, being the highest yet of our four War Sales.

We duly observed - with the rest of Britain - War Sunday, August 4, good congregations being present both at 11 and 6, when the authorized "Form" was used. The Intercessions, which were solemnly entered into by every one, were very comprehensive, re the needs of Nation,

Empire, Men, Victory and Peace. The note of "Thanksgiving" was very prominent, including "for those who had fallen," a pause being made when a few bars of "O rest in the Lord" were played.

The offertories were given morning and evening to the Prisoners of War Fund, which never stood in greater need than at present.

A new departure was made in the history of the parish on August 4, when at 7.15 p.m. a Combined Open-air War Service was hold at the top of Hollow Lane. There was a very large assemblage present, few houses in the parish not being represented; and all seemed to enter most heartily and attentively into the hymns, prayers, etc. The Lesson was read by Mr. H. Hales, the first Address was given by the Chapel Preacher, and the second one by myself.

The way in which all, Church and Chapel alike, joined in this most successful effort will make August 4, 1918, memorable in the annals of our Parish as a token of unity of spirit and true neighbourliness.

September 29 is our Dedication Festival, and falls this year on a Sunday. Being the birthday of our beautiful Church, therefore a day which we should be particular to observe as a day of thanksgiving for God's great gift to us of such a noble edifice, the supreme beauty of which very many fail to realize altogether. Let us remember our blessed Lord's example, Who went up to Jerusalem to keep the Feast of the Dedication. On that day our collections are always given to the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution.

Your faithful friend and Vicar,


"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord."
July20-Thomas Evans Denson, aged 70 years.
Sept.15-Ember Pence Envelopes in Church.
"18, 20, 21 - Ember Days
"22-Return Ember Pence Envelopes.
"28-Decorating Church, 10 a.m.
"29-Dedication Festival, see Notice Board for particulars.