Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
May 1915 : page 2 (of 2)
MAY, 1915.
Dear Friends,
Good Friday with its solemn message of redemption has come and gone, but one sincerely hopes that the effect, of the message it brought, will remain with us. The Lantern Service, with its very lovely pictures of "The Kingdom" and, "When the King comes back," together with the impressiveness of the whole, will not readily be forgotten.
The Church was decorated much as usual on Easter-Eve, daffodils predominating as becomes the Spring Festival. On our way to early Church on Easter morning in radiant sunshine our thoughts flow back to those who in the long ago, wended their way to the empty tomb, "early in the morn on the first day of the week." They to embalm the dead Christ, we to worship the living. The bright day and our bright services were helps to us in duly observing the Festival of the Lord's Resurrection.
Our annual "Vestry" was held on Friday, April 9, 1915, in the schoolroom at 7 p.m. The attendance was not large, but the amount of business done was considerable. Every Churchman is entitled to attend this meeting, and show a practical interest in the affairs of his Church, and join in the discussions with reference to its welfare and future progress. Let us strive to be active and zealous members of our Church, ever on the watch for opportunities to be of service to her.
The two Church Wardens were re-elected, as also the Sidesmen, with the addition of Mr. W. Hills, who is always ready to help. Mr. F. Harrison was appointed Sexton and Verger: he and his wife have had experience in Church work and should prove an acquisition.
The statements of accounts for the past year were most satisfactory: true we have only some £2 in hand, whereas we began with some £22, but we had spent over £24 on repairs. While we look after our own parochial affairs, for which we raised £94 13s. we also try to have wide sympathies and help worthy objects beyond our borders, hence we gave to Diocesan Societies, £7 15s. 6d., and to Non-Parochial objects, (War Fund: Red Cross: S.P.G.: Temperance: Jews Society: etc.) £24 15s. 6d., making a grand total for the year of £127 4s. 2½d. a most encouraging and also unselfish amount, seeing that £32 11s. 0d. went to outside objects. Christianity - if it is real - teaches us to help others, as well as ourselves.
There have been Three Weddings in or out of the Parish in which we are interested. Fred Harriss's took place on Easter Eve at Preston, where he now lives; we wish him better health and a happy home.
On Easter Monday Emily Cork was married here, and we gave her merry wedding-chimes and our heartiest wishes for the future. In All Saints' Church, Maidstone, on April 19, it was my pleasure to tie the knot between Constance Lily Eason and Ernest Brittenden; we wish them all happiness in their new home at Newington.
Rogation-tide, which is a special season of prayer, is May 9-12. We hope to hold our open-air Rogation Service - in the churchyard, weather permitting on Tuesday - May 11 at 7 p.m. This time it will have a special significance, seeing that not only shall we pray for God's blessing on the seeds sown and the fruits of the earth, but also for His help in this terrible war.
Therefore wet or fine I trust all who can will try to attend our annual open-air Parish Service, where we can ALL join in prayers and praise to Him.
When shall we have peace again? is the earnest question of many to-day. But are we anywhere near half way to it? The Allies seem to be very much where they were 6 months ago. The Germans held Lille on October 21, and we haven't yet driven them out. It is the same with almost the whole of Belgium: and over 500 miles of battle front in France is theirs. They are still in Poland too. We have not moved the enemy much further away since October: hence, those who know consider that there is far more to do yet than has been done, ere we place a foot on German territory; much less vanquish the Germans.
We have then a very big job on hand. Do we realise this, as a nation and as individuals? Are we striving every nerve to aid our King and Country all we know? Are we praying daily that God will prosper our forces and our Allies? Are we feeling our daily need of God? For with Him lies victory, and He gives it to whomsoever He will. We firmly believe our cause is just. But are we humble and penitent, and relying on Him to prosper our efforts?
Your faithful friend and Pastor,
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£ | s. | d. | ||||
Mar. | 7 | - | Church Expenses | 0 | 17 | 7 |
" | 10 | - | C.P.A. | 0 | 8 | 0 |
" | 14 | - | Church Expenses | 1 | 5 | 6 |
" | 21 | - | Church Expenses | 1 | 3 | 7 |
" | 25 | - | A.C.S. | 0 | 1 | 1 |
" | 28 | - | Sick and Poor | 0 | 17 | 10 |
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May | 1 | - | St. Philip and St. James, A. and M. Holy Communion, 10.30 a.m. |
" | 11 | - | TUESDAY - Rogation Day. Open-Air ROGATION Service in Churchyard 7 p.m. |
" | 13 | - | ASCENSION DAY - Children's Service, 8.30 a.m. Holy Communion 10.30 a.m. Evensong and Sermon, 7 p.m. |
" | 23 | - | Whitsun Day - Holy Communion at 8 and Noon. |
" | 23 | - | Take Ember Penny Envelopes home. |
" | 24 | - | Whitsun Monday - Holy Communion, 10-30 a.m. |
" | 26, 28, 29 - Ember Days. | ||
" | 30 | - | Trinity Sunday - Bring Ember Pennies Envelopes to Church. |